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Posts posted by hardtotalkabout

  1. I have been feeling the same way... I didn't notice it until I found out I had herpes, but there are SO many TV shows that joke about herpes. They make it seem like such a horrible thing and use it with a negative connotation. It's very frustrating to watch.

  2. I found out I had herpes while I was in a serious relationship almost 3 years ago. I was only 19 when I found out and in college. The first person I told was my mom. Because I was in a serious relationship, and I believe it was him that I got the infection from, she seemed supportive and told me that everything was going to be okay.


    Now flash forward three years and my boyfriend and I have broken up and I have finally begun to try and date again. My mom loved my boyfriend and is still very upset that we've broken up (it's been a year). I am finishing up my last semester of college, so I don't live at home. Whenever I go home for breaks my mom is very nosey as to who I am talking to whenever I am on my phone. She has been this way since me and my boyfriend broke up.


    I told her I was talking to someone, and since then she has been bringing up the fact that I have herpes. She has said the following things to me...

    "Well have you told him you have herpes?" this was one of the first things she asked me... which I feel isn't first thing a mother should ask you...

    "Why do you want to try to be with someone, when you had great guy that accepted you for having herpes?"

    "I really don't think you should tell this guy about your herpes because it's not going to go anywhere."

    "You know if it weren't for your whole herpes thing, you'd probably be 'Girls Gone Wild' right now."

    And these were just the most recent comments she has made.


    And these were just comments in one day. I am still coming to terms with the fact that I have herpes, and am afraid to get too close to someone because I am afraid to disclose. These comments have really gotten me down recently right when I thought I was confident enough to get back out into the dating world.


    Just looking for some words of support!

  3. A little background on my herpes story... I found out I had genital HSV-1 in April of 2015 from having an outbreak. I had two more outbreaks after that both in May of 2015; I have not had one since then. I have only disclosed to one person since I found out and he was very understanding and didn't care at all, but he was someone I've known for 8 years and we had reconnected. I have begun dating again, this will be the first time I tell someone that I haven't known for very long.


    I go to school in Iowa and I met this guy through a mutual friend that goes to another school in Iowa. We have been talking for a month and a half. We have both visited each other at our respective universities. This past weekend we both had way too much to drink and we ended up having unprotected sex, twice. I graduate in two weeks and am moving back to Illinois while he will still be in school 5 1/2 hours away. We are not officially together and have not talked about the future much. It seems that both he and I are wanting to try and make this work after I move back home.


    I had wanted to tell him before I saw him this weekend, but ultimately I didn't. I feel guilty, ashamed, and heart-broken over what happened. I am a good person and didn't do this on purpose. I know the right thing to do is to tell him. And I know it's going to be hard. I am looking for some support and guidance on what to say. I have been trying to write down what to say... I don't want it to be too long, but I want to give him all the information.

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