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  1. I feel about 90% normal today. This past week has been rough!!!! My GYN just called and the swabs were positive for HSV1. I asked her to please send in acyclovir so I can start taking it daily. I just wish I knew what to expect as far as how often my OBs will happen. I hate the uncertainty of it all.
  2. From what I understand, canker sores are unrelated. It's only been a couple of days since you started medication, and probably a week or less since your symptoms first showed up. Everyone has it different, but I have ghsv-1 and it took a few weeks for my symptoms to clear and the sores to heal fully. Keep focusing on the future, and know that you will heal from this. I would also recommend staying on medication for a few months, as I recently developed a second out break after a couple of months of recovering from my first. Thanks for the response! That’s what I thought too, but I honestly have no other clue how I could have gotten herpes. My GYN seemed to think what I get in my mouth might not be canker sores? Who knows?! My doctor said she could prescribe a daily dose of the acyclovir if I have 3-4 OB a year, but I think I would rather just go ahead and take it daily just because.
  3. So...I have herpes. I think? That’s the first time I’ve “said” that besides to my husband. Waiting on swab results, but my GYN said she’s sure and gave me acyclovir already. It’s Friday night and I started it on Wednesday...acyclovir 800mg 4 times a day. Should I be getting better by now? I’m still having horrible pain when my urine touches the lesions and I’m extremely itchy tonight. Also, a new fun and exciting symptom popped up today...(eye roll)...I now have thick, opaque, yellow, snotty vaginal discharge. Attractive, right? Is that just part of my new life now? I’m trying my best to have a sense of humor about all this crap. I’m a nurse and I always tell me patients that sometimes you just have to laugh to keep from crying and going crazy. It’s working so far! I have no clue how/why/when this happened...I’m in my late 20s, but honestly my sexual history is pretty boring. I get really bad canker sores in my mouth when I’m extremely stressed...that’s happened since I was a teenager before I was sexually active. I had a couple of mouth canker sores in the last few weeks and then this week all these “down there” symtoms popped up. I thought it was a yeast infection plus irritation/small tear after sex last weekend. Then the sores came up like look like the same ones in my mouth when I get them. No oral sex though, so I’m so confused. Bodies are weird sometimes.
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