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Everything posted by Fibs

  1. So I've been dating a girl for a little over a month, we both are same age and actual have children the same age. Things have been going awesome and I really started to see things going somewhere. We have had sex 2 times. I've been tested regularly and I guess assumed people are honest about their health prior to sex. Well fast forward to nye and we had some drinks and she decided to tell me that she was h+. I was immediately upset and probably reacted poorly due to the circumstances of being intoxicated and the news of being exposed to something I've never even worried about. The next day I did my fair share of research, we have talked in person since then. She's apologized for withholding the information and being intimate with me before telling. I really liked this girl, and I just feel shocked and violated. I'm not sure that I can dismiss the distrust. I feel like had I known before hand things would be much different. Thanks for listening, just looking for some insight
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