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  1. Hi everyone, just wanted to share what I am going through because basically it is all I can think about About 7 weeks ago i had an unprotected sexual encounter with a man. I have always been very fearful of STIs and so this was a very stupid, drunk mistake which I am still beating myself up about. About 3 days later I started to feel tingling and itching on my right labia majora (side note: for the past year i have been dealing with on and off pain in my vaginal opening which doctors are unable to find a reason for). This itching/tingling did not last very long and was intermittent, but later turned into burning, which was still on and off. i would also get the occasional tingle in my right butt cheek, and right leg. Over the course of the 7 weeks i just have not known what to think. The burning on my labia continues, sometimes it goes away for two days, then will come back for another few days - lasting unpredictable lengths of time throughout the day. I also have this on and off ache in my right leg, which seems to move throughout my whole leg. I had regular STI testing (Chlamydia, etc.) all which came back negative, and was given yeast infection medication that did not work (by my doctor who claims this cannot be herpes, but I do not believe that) I have never had a visible outbreak, just the on and off burning and aching/pain in my right leg. I am a university student and constantly thinking about this is preventing me from getting anything done. Since I have to wait to get a blood test because it hasn't been long enough, I was wondering if anyone could please give me their opinion - positive or negative, i just want some insight! sorry this post is long. Thank you.
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