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  1. Thank you for your replies, yes it is a misunderstanding. I will have an anxiety attack telling him. My councilor says don't tell him, I don't have the genital one so why bother to mess up his mind too?
  2. Thank you for all the replies, its much appreciated. My councilor says dont tell him since its hsv1, she says i will devistate him for no reason.
  3. I can see why you say that but its more my problem than his. Getting past the word "herpies" is the worst for me. He may get a little upset or he may not at all but if I had the choice myself before sexual contact, it may not be a deal breaker but I surely wouldn't ask for it. Its definately very psycological for me, I dont know about him. When i told him I went to visit a friend over night, the family had herpies he didnt look happy AT ALL. More of a shocker. So far I have only broke out on my face. TMI but I went for an exam because I was on fire down below. They didnt find anything, yeast or anything else. I thought yeast was common during an outbreak. I was told I am type one. I dont think I have sores down below but I am still not comfortable. I talked to a nurse practitioner, she says type 1 is not type 2, it doesnt just turn into 2. I still feel like I have to tell him because I will suddenly bust out sores down there if i dont, by than it will be to late. I have held off from any sexual contact other than kissing. He knows i had them on my face and didnt care but it bothered me so badly i didnt want to kiss him. This is not going to be a fun ride. I look at people and I havent seen a cold sore on someones face in years. It wouldnt be so bad if the two werent associated with STD. I really dont know what to think of all of this, its driving me crazy and I feel so ashamed of what I did. I get it that I am human and I didnt do anything more than alot of people would do after 15 years of marraige. He even wore a condom. I am just ashaned that I wasnt fully divorced before I went off on my own and I dont feel as pure as i did before. It makes me feel dirty. I am not saying ppl with herpies are dirty because ppl get them in different ways and it isnt always because they did something wrong. So please dont be offended by what I say what i feel. I am mad at myself for not being more careful. Mad at him for endulging and didnt tell me til after the fact. Im just mad. Sorry, i kinda went on a rant.
  4. Yeah i made it til 49, and a weak immune system. Im devistated and i think i am going to have to be next to ER as I tell my ex what has happened. He has a temper.
  5. As far as i know i havent broken out down there but i have fever like symptoms cant sleep and one hell of a yeast infection that burns. Is this Hvs2?
  6. He already told me he dpesnt get cold sores. My kids, are they gping to be labeled for life?
  7. I just realized I have hsv1. When i was told that I have been in contact with it from a blood test, i was relieved it wasnt hsv2. Thinking it was just those stupid cold sores we got as kids. Now a year and a half later I am getting flu like symptoms, yeast infection, no sores down below yet, but scared to death they will follow. Im worried about my kids. My ex has been trying to get back together after being seperated then divorced 2 years, i was kissing him last night, at the end of the night I broke out a cold sore. My heart hurts so bad, I dont even know how to tell him. He knows I was with someone while we were seperated but this didnt come back up til now. When i talked to the Dr again she just now said it could be either or (upper or lower). I just want to throw up. I dont really know how often to expect breakouts, how difficult it will be or anything alike. This board is scaring the hell out of me. I had already decided I want to take my marraige back and my life is ruined. His immune system couldnt handle this, he has psyorieses. Could he get fired from his job if he has this? He has a good job he worked hard to get and ive ruined it all just from one stupid mistake after we seprated. I would rather die than tell him
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