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  1. Thank you! I never heard of a minute clinic, but I will look them up.
  2. Thank you so much! He actually brought up the idea of going to a planned parenthood to see if maybe they would give us more information about it. Do you know if they would charge for advice? I didn't think to ask him to go get checked, that may be a wise idea, but I'm afraid he will get offended that I asked him to get tested. Can you spread herpes through oral if you don't currently have a cold sore?
  3. I got diagnosed 2 years ago and I did some research , but my doctors never really gave me any advice or insight into the disease. I have dates guys since and either they got grossed out and left or they didn't care. I recently started dating a guy who is super worried, but wants it to work. It's really new to me that he wants to stay even though he's afraid. I wish I could give him all the answers he wants but I can't. Can anyone give me some insight into the disease?
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