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Everything posted by Stayingpositive2

  1. I know how you feel. I’m 21 and when I was first diagnosed I thought my dating life was over, but people are a lot more understanding than you think. You can still get married and have kids, plenty of people with h do. I think it’s really unfair not to disclose, my ex didn’t disclose to me and I still have a lot of resentment towards him. When I was diagnosed I felt so betrayed and upset that he didn’t respect me enough to tell me. I personally would never want to put someone else through that. It wasn’t the fact that he had herpes that ruined our relationship, but the fact that he didn’t let me decide for myself if I wanted to put myself at risk of getting it. If you really want to have an honest and meaningful relationship with someone then I think it’s really important to disclose.
  2. From what I understand sex can cause outbreaks but that doesn’t mean you were contagious during sex. As long as you weren’t showing signs of an outbreak while you were having sex then I wouldn’t worry about transmitting it to him. I’ve read that using lube can help because it’s usually the friction that causes the outbreak.
  3. I was diagnosed with HSV2 about three months ago and I’m slowly starting to accept it. I’ve only had a few outbreaks but they all happened after I had sex with my boyfriend (he’s my giver). I’m currently taking antivirals and dryness isn’t really a problem, so there isn’t too much friction. I know that I haven’t had this that long.. so maybe that’s why I keep getting O/B’s from sex? Does anyone else have any experience with this? I just want to know if the longer I have this virus, the less O/B’s I’ll have after sex. By the way thanks to everyone for all the support, it’s really helped me come to terms with my diagnosis
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