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Everything posted by book84

  1. I had what I thought was the flu on 1/22 but never vomited, which was weird for me. Then about 5 days later my first OB started. I had horrible visible symptoms so my doctor didn't do a swab, so I don't know if I have hsv1 or hsv2. Then yesterday I started feeling nauseous again, no appetite, body aches. And I have a cold sore on my tongue. Could this be the start of another OB? I can't miss this much work so I'm worried this will be ongoing :(
  2. I recently found out I have GH and have been lurking on this site to gather information. But I'm thinking I'd like some feedback on my situation so here it goes. I had a horrible "initial" outbreak that I'm still recovering from. The doctor didn't even send my swab to the lab because she could visually diagnose me. So I'm not sure if I have HSV1 or HSV2. My current boyfriend, P, that I first slept with in mid-December has HSV1 but was negative for HSV2. He will have bloodwork done again in a couple months because I've read it can take some time for it to build up in your blood. He hasn't had an oral sore in like two years. So I'm confident I did not contract this from him. My previous partner, C, who I was with from July to early November, has never had any symptoms, oral or genital, and had bloodwork done that only showed positive for HSV, but didn't identify the strain. He's also confused because we were together shortly after he got out of a two year relationship and he says she never had any symptoms either. I know an outbreak can come months or years later. So...I guess I'm just looking for some thoughts. I know I may never be 100% sure about how I contracted this, but I'm thinking it's likely from C.
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