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Keeping a happy sex life: How with Herpes?

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Hello everyone,


I am a young 23 year old woman. I have just been diagnosed with herpes simplex virus 1 in the genitals. It has been about 3 weeks already and I am still feeling depressed. I finished my first round of anti virals which I took for a week. But now, I have a few more painful sores that have flaired up again. Is that normal?


Anyways, I am feeling very overwhelmed by this whole experience. Since I said I am a young woman that does mean I have been experimenting with my sexuality more happily and openly more than ever. I'm not saying that I have sex with many different partners, but I am saying that I do like to have the possibility of having sex whenever I want to. But now, with being diagnosed with herpes I realize that this is no longer realistic. 90 percent of the people who would come to know that I have this will not want to sleep with me.


I'm not TOO focused on the issues above because I am in a committed relationship and have been for the past 6 months. My boyfriend is a lot older than me and he has never broken out with the herpes. So, we have discussed it and realized that he has probably been exposed to it in the past and no longer breaks out. I still love him and we have a very honest, monogamous, and loving relationship. I just get depressed about my future when I think about having to start all over again with someone new.


I would like some advice. At what point do you tell new partners that you have herpes? And do you think there is a specific time frame that works best for you? Alos, how have you dealt with having a healthy and happy sex life while dealing in between breakouts? I I'm asking these questions because I am a very sexual person and have been for the past few years. I hate the idea of throwing my youth away and having to deal with herpes breakouts instead of pleasing sexual activity.


Thank you for reading,


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