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PLEASE HELP!! I have been dealing with what I think HSV2 symptoms...

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So, near the end of October, I had unprotected sex with the mother of my child-- we're not together--while she was over seeing the kids. Near the end of October going into the beginning of November, I started to experience several STD symptoms. It first started with flu like symptoms such as a warm sensation in my stomach, followed by nausea and feelings of malaise. Then it went away and a few weeks after, I began feeling intense itching near my scrotum, anus, rectum, and on my palms and penis. I also began experience intense pressure at the tip of my penis and shooting pains going through my urethra. Shortly after that, I began experiencing electric tingling pains shooting through my spine, neck, near my eye sockets, and in my eyes. My eyes themselves even crackle, tingle, and itched. I have even experienced crackling, tingling, and soreness in my throat. My lips and tongue even tingle and crackle, but I haven't seen any cold sores.

I also experienced shooting pains going up and down my butt, thighs, groin, legs, and pain in my joints. To make matters worse, I also began experiencing sharp pains in my lower abdomen upper groin area. It even feels like it's attacking other organs like my kidney and liver. And since then, I have been experiencing these symptoms off and on, with some days being worse than others. I have also experienced ringing in my ears, which I've come to find out through research is called tinnitus; a symptom associated with hsv2.

I confronted my baby mother about the symptoms and she threw a fit. However, I also began to notice she was exhibiting symptoms that seemed questionable. She continued to complain about headaches, she vomited constantly, was in the bathroom for long periods of time, and even complained that she was so dizzy that she had to sit on the bathroom floor for an hour at a time. But what really set off a red flag is when she casually told me that she had experienced discharge from her anus as she was using the bathroom. She also claimed to hear voices, which struck me as odd, but I didn't think about it too much until my own ears started ringing constantly. And they've been ringing off and on since then.

Since then, I've gotten tested for UTI, yeast infection, syphilis, chlamydia, and HIV, all of which came back negative. The only thing I hadn't tested for was herpes and I just did that today.

I have been dealing with these symptoms for most of the month and although it seems to subside at times, it always feels present, never going away. However this whole time I haven't experienced lesions or sores like most people expect to see with herpes. For about a week I had constant night sweats and was excessively sweating during the day, which caused me to wipe my face a lot. As a result, I ended up with a huge hard bump on underneath the side of my lip. I don't really see a rash on my anus, my penis, or scrotum, but they still itch like crazy.

My face constantly feels hot and a flushed with mild irritation, but once again no sores, aside the large bump. The bump itself became big and red but now it's getting smaller and blacker. When I describe symptoms and bring up HSV2, many say that symptoms don't sound related, despite the fact that many of the symptoms seem to match up not only to what I found online, but to other symptoms posted by the community. Even the doctors said that the bump is just an ingrown hair. In fact, many people have told me that I'm simply suffering from stress and anxiety. But I've been stressing anxious before and it never felt like this.

So basically in a nutshell, it seems like I'm experiencing neuropathic hsv2 symptoms, but I'm not breaking out into the lesions and sores. What does the community think? Many in this forum have had experience with this, so I need some help. Does this sound more like hsv2, or could it be stressing anxiety like the doctors and other people have been telling me?






Oh, just to add: I seem to be getting bad facial pain in my cheekbones, new warm pains on the left side of bladder. And now it seems my itching's spreading to the top of fingers. I'm also getting shooting pains going up the right side of my upper back. Pains traveling upwards in my stomach. And the itching got worse near my anus as it got dark. Please, I really need to talk to someone whose been through this!

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