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Do the night sweats from HSV ever stop?

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This virus affects everyone differently. Although we can experience some of the same symptoms the way our bodies respond is unpredictable. Some people don't hardly experience any symptoms and others experience more frequent and various symptoms. 

I had night sweats for a few days. I don't think yours will be forever but as your body adjusts to dealing with the virus it should dissipate. My symptomsnl come and go. One day I feel near normal then it raises it's ugly head and reminds me that it will always be in the background.

I just hoping better options come out to treat and suppress the virus. I think I won't see a cure but I am hopeful that something better comes out.


@Seeker1960 They say 2025 will be the year that a new lineup of medications will roll out. Then there's the gene therapy that is supposed to cure 97% of HSV, which will hopefully start human trials by the end of 2023. Two years of that puts it at 2025. Another two years of study afterward may put it at 2027. I'm probable going to be in my early 50s when it's finally available for public use.  Then again, depending on how fast everything happens, if we're lucky, that might be ready before 2028.  How is the Red Korean Ginseng working out for you?


Hi @LosingHope Something like Pretlivir might be out by 2025. The others are probably going to be longer like 2030. Gene editing is promising but there are safety concerns that have to be worked out and that is going to take more than 2 years sorry to say. Rational Vaccines RVX201 has started human trials in the UK and they might be the first to market. Probably not in the US when it is first approved in the UK. You should still be young enough to take advantage of some of the new stuff. I would fly to the the UK for a jab if it proves effective.

My symptoms are still hanging around but I'd the intensity is much less and frequency is somewhat less. I want to believe that the Red Ginseng Extract is helping tap down the viral activity. I do feel moderately better.

Are your symptoms improving any? It does take time for our bodies to respond enough to suppressive the virus so just be patient.


@Seeker1960After taking the Red Ginseng for about a week, I do feel like it's working. I have also started to take Sea Moss for energy and the immune system, which also seem to be a great help. I have begun to mix Lion's Mane and Red Ginseng together, which, aside from small stomach discomfort, has been working well together in water. I've experienced a few issues here and there--itchy butt & groin, small piercing headaches, pain and pressure in the urethra, quick moments of itchiness around the ears and face, and a little nausea--especially when I have things that stress me out, or it's around night time. However, the night sweats have not stopped, despite me feeling better. 

I meant to ask, did you ever experience pain and pressure in the urethra? Is that normal? Or could it be something else? 


Hi @LosingHope There are so many ways that this virus affects us individually it is hard to say what it triggers in us from day to day. It's tied into our nervous system so it could be related or not or it could be making a another existing issue worse. I am glad that you are getting some relief from what you are doing. I am feeling somewhat better myself but I  know how deceptive that is. Today you might feel like you're almost normal and the next day this this raises it's ugly head and you are reminded that HSV is a part of your life forever or until a cure comes around. 

I believe your night sweats will eventually stop once your autonomic nervous system gets functioning normally again. It take time for our body to adjust to the virus. There is no rushing the time frame regardless of what we are taking.


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