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blood test

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I've had H for more than 33 years, I was told it was HSV1 after swab.

Ten years ago I had a blood test and I remember the nurse said it came back negative, I didn't ask if negative for HSV2, (which would be expected), I guess they only tested for HSV2 (is that even possible?) I did not ask as I thought it was just a wrong result and I didn't ask.

Any way, for peace of mind (my husband gets HSV1 cold sores)  I'd like to test again privately with no insurance involved, which test do you recommend, and company, how easy is to prick yourself, how accurate?

I've been having more frequent OB, I guess due to age or menopause (I'm 56), or just stress.


Not sure about the At-Home tests, as many people have complained about companies botching their test results or taking too long to send result back. Some companies like Let's Get Checked and Everlywell have been touted as effective for some customers, but not everyone seems to have the same experience. Of course, it doesn't hurt to check them out and see what other customers are saying. From what I've seen, it's a two sided argument; some people have praised the test for being relatively easy to use and have no problems pricking their finger to draw a few drops of blood on the first attempt. Other people have complained that the needles that come with the test are not enough to get the appropriate drops of blood on the paper during their first try; forcing them to attempt several times with only a limited amount of 2 or 3 small needles. Then there's the matter of sending off the test. Some customers have complained about the companies informing that they need to take another test (free of charge, of course) because the first test didn't have enough blood on the sample paper to be tested, while others are told that the sample they sent took took too long to be accurately tested. Then there are also reports that even though these tests are usually accurate, there are times where the tests can come back with false negative or positives depending on how they're done. If you can find someone who has actually gone through the process, they may be able to provide you with more information about the experience.

I know this isn't quite what you're looking for but you can also try STD Check, which sends an order to a local participating lab in your area and you simply show up, take the test, and receive your results online. No insurance, you pay out of pocket for the test you want and they'll set you up with a nearby lab. Personally, I wanted to do the at-home tests myself, but after reading the reviews, I became wary of the whole deal and went with STD Check. 

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to help more. I hope you find an answer. If you decide to go through with it and can find a company that works out for you, please let me know. I would like to try it as well.

  • Thanks 1

Hi @Valencia You can get a Western Blot test for both HSV1 an HSV2. Just look up the University of Washington lab testing site. They send you the kit and you pay for the test and mailbox back over night. No insurance. It's more accurate that the igg tests that are current out here.

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