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Cure - will it ever happen??

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Hi everyone,

I’m new to this forum. Unfortunately not new to herpes. I’ve had it for 26 years 😢! Apart from my initial outbreak and devastation at the enormity of what had happened to me I’ve spent the last 25 years not too bothered about it. This is due to the fact that my husband also has herpes and we have both been blissfully unaware that it can be passed on without having an outbreak. Since I’ve learnt this in the past few months I’ve been completely devastated all over again. It makes no sense as we have each other and don’t feel that will change. Nor have I, or he, ever strayed, but it’s just made me feel so devastated all over again. 

I’m also getting so many outbreaks recently and antivirals aren’t keeping it at bay.  I’ve been so dejected by it I wrote an email to Dr Keith Jerome and he got back to me straight away. I asked Dr Jerome if he thinks there will be a cure in our life time and he said yes. I’m hoping our life time means 5-10 years and not 20-30 😢! Apparently the research that they’re doing now is working in mice but he needs to do more safety trials before starting on people. I’d give anything to get rid and be free of this virus!! 

The other thing he said is to use our voices and advocate for cure/vaccination of herpes. I’m not sure how to do this and stay anonymous - stigma is an awful thing! Has anyone got any ideas? I live in Australia! 


It depends on what you define "cure" as? There will probably be something like a functional cure out within 5 years. A sterilizing cure will probably take longer. The good news is there is some progress and many people are working on various approaches. 

Have you looked into SADBE? If not you can check it out on reddit  r/sadbe. It is a form of immunotherapy. Not a cure but has the possibility of training your immune system to naturally suppress the virus from reactivation.



Thanks @Seeker1960

By cure I mean both, functional so that I don’t get outbreaks or viral shedding. And sterilising it so that I can safely say I don’t have herpes!!! 

I haven’t heard of SADBE. I’ll look into though. Thanks again ☺️

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