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Genital Herpes causes anxiety/depression

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I just wanted to start this topic and see how many people can relate...  It's something I'm very curious about on weather or not others experience this same issue (those that have HSV2.)


   I almost always feel an outbreak coming on weeks before the actual outbreak arrives and will often feel sick to stomach, loss appetite, insomnia, depression, anxiety, sadness and a bunch of other symptoms like a dull ache in the back of my legs, pinch which urinating, etc...  Sometimes though.. I won't even get the outbreak at the end of the prodrome phase...  Anyone else here care to chime in?

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I can absolutely relate!

Depending on the severity of the outbreak, I'll experience at least one, if not a bunch of symptoms from your list. I'm afraid I am not one of the lucky folks where outbreaks come and go unnoticed, although taking daily anti virals as a suppressive therapy will help a lot in reducing the possible pain you feel. The leg pain used to be far worse during the first and second year after contracting HSV, but general fatigue, joint pain, as well as nerve pain and ever so slight cold-like symptoms have stayed with me until today as my most common prodrome symptoms. 

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