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Transmission and infection history

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I had an encounter on 6/30/22, 6 weeks later I test positive <5 (greater than 5) for hsv1.  Three months later I test again and have an actual index amount of 44.5 H.

I wish my first test would show the actual index. In this case I may have the highest index after infection that anyone has seen.


-With that said, is it possible that only after 6 weeks of infection I would have an index of 5 or higher?

-How about a spike to 44.5 three months later?

I'm absolutely sure that I was infected with this encounter (6/30/22) and not before bc after the encounter I was experiencing symptoms I've never had tlhat align with hsv. 

I contracted it from hand to genital. I touched vaginal and then my penis. During my primary infection I spread it orally. All swabs come back negative so it's hard to tell when I'm shedding or what is a true breakout.

-What are my chances of spreading hsv1 with kiss if I'm on suppressants? 

-what are the chances of spreading my ghsv1 to a partner that performs oral on me while on suppressants?

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