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How long after an OB is it safe to have sex?

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I was diagnosed with herpes (HSV 1) early this past May- so around 5 months ago. I tried really hard this summer to take care of myself by eating right and working out, hoping to ward off the usual "first year is the worst" conundrum.


I started seeing someone after my diagnosis and he's really great. He was really understanding about the whole thing and didn't even care, even though he's H-. Unfortunately I had a pretty stressful past couple of weeks and I think, combined with being so paranoid about getting another outbreak in the first place now that I'm seeing someone + having regular sex, I had another outbreak.


We stopped having sex as soon as I felt like something might be up (so last Saturday). No pain, just what I thought might be my "prodrome" (similar to what I felt the first time).


I've been on Valtrex since last Monday and was only given a week's supply. The outbreak was super minimal, only 1 sore and one teeny tiny one that I don't even think scabbed over because I started the meds before it got a chance to. I've been feeling fine since Friday and just checked down there as well.. everything seems to be back to normal. My only question is, how long after an outbreak is it safe to have sex again? I feel fine but I know the first year is the most unstable in terms of when you are shedding and I would really love to keep him safe/ H-!

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We use condoms. I've been considering going on daily meds to reduce the transmission rate but want to talk to a doctor about it first. I had wanted my body to figure out handling it on it's own but it's obviously different now that someone else has to be considered!


To be clear, do you mean 7-10 days after taking the meds? As in 7-10 days from now? or 7-10 days after the outbreak?



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