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Has anyone ever done any dig trials for hsv2? What was your experience with the whole thing? Does anyone know of any trials going on at the moment? Does anyone else have another physical disability that you had before you were diagnosed with hsv2? Does anyone have seizures along with having hsv2? What is the best advice/knowledge/education you could give to a young girl who was just diagnosed with hsv2? Has anyone taken legal action against the person who infected them? The person who infected me lied and said they were clean and also faked putting on a condom. I'm lost as to what to do.

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There's a trial in Alabama and in CA I believe for GEN03.


Nobody here that I know of had taken legal action. I too was lies to and I understand how you feel. Do keep in mind that if you take legal action, it is public knowledge. It will be in the paper. Your full name will be disclosed. Is that something you want to go through? These are questions you have to ask and if you can mentally prepare for them to dig into your background and try to make you look bad. These are all important things to think about.


Never heard of seizures from HSV 2. You're asking questions about disabilities someone had before H, can you elaborate?

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