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does anyone else not have any correlation with their diet and herpes?

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I eat relatively healthy - healthy 70% and 30% whatever I want probably. But regardless I eat a lot of nuts, peanut butter, oatmeal, drink almond milk and a good amount of wine sometimes...pretty much everything everyone says to avoid I eat/drink. and it never affects me....I am on daily suppressives and make sure that I take lysine every day (extra sometime if I ate a little more arginine than usual that day). Does food not affect anyone else though? Or does it kind of come and go and one day I'll wake up and it will affect me.

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So the best way I explain the phenomena of H regarding the uniqueness of it, for each individual is this: no one person will be the same symptoms wise w H, nor have the same trigger's. Our immune system is what controls H and everyone's immune system is as unique as their thumb prints, so this means that everyone's body, will handle H uniquely. Most do not have triggers to the above things you described. It is a very tiny percentage of us w that issue. Unfortunately you are looking for a very black and white answer to something that exists in many different shades if gray. You're fine right now, I wouldn't worry about it and keep living life as your bad self and don't over think things.

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