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cultural attitudes about H

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Howdy, so, yes this question is based on a selfish interest and not purely scientific nor knowledge based. I have heard that many other countries ( outside the US, UK and Australia) have different takes on our persnickety little friend for life. I was curious if anyone has first hand knowledge? Yes I am interested for purely personal reasons as I may be pulling a Jay Pritchett as I have recently met a woman from Columbia and while not to the point of a date yet there definitely seems to be chemistry. So I am just looking for info, and yea kinda hoping the general thought there is, Herpes? who cares?


For anyone newly diagnosed and new to this forum, this link takes you to an article that explains how the stigma around herpes got to be what it is in the U.S. https://ellacydawson.wordpress.com/2015/07/25/time-magazine-ruined-herpes-journalism-heres-how-to-fix-it/.


The two years of my life spent living overseas where spent in Okinawa, South Korea and the Philippines. Herpes didn't seem to be a big deal at the time. (Nearly 30 years ago at this point.) Not sure if thats changed since.

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