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2 years of confusion

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so this is my story After ten years back and forth I finally got the guy! We were in new couple good bliss for 2 years until one day we were not and he found an other girl. I was destroyed, super sad and vulnerable and fell prey to a super hott super sexy guy that said and did all the right things and befor you know it we were hooking up. He actually had wanted to date me for years and things just panned out and then soon after we hooked up he started dodging me. Oh well I figured that's the worst part right this is single life, shortly after one of our unprotected hook ups the unbearable deep vaginal torture started, it was such a bad burning sensation there was nothing visually wrong there was no discharge just pure fire up deep in my vagina, it last just a couple days thankfully but then my throat started throbbing and one night while out possible 3-4 weeks after said hook up I passed out for 3 days with 103 degree fevers I could barely move my neck I couldn't stand, had a horrible head ache and what felt like a uti. I was miserable and pretty sure I had something bad, I made it to the doctor and got the works of std testing, 3 days later all tests came back negative and the doctor said I had been exposed to Herpes because I had antibodies but the test was negative, he preformed a vaginal exam it was also negative it was negative for any bacterial infections everything was fine? I was so confused and in shock in horror, I called up the guy and he got tested and it was negative?!? What the hell? His ex girlfriend tested positive tho? Kinda strange but okay,

Didn't know whether i had it or not... I waited a few months and was retested giving the antibody levels time to increase... Test came back negative! Okay so two test later no actual sores or lesions i was clear. I went about life thinking I was in the clear I had an exclusive relationship with some one else and we didn't use protection and he's tested negative, I've always had a feeling in the back of my mind that maybe my test were wrong but if my guy was fine I kinda took it as reinforcement that it was nothing to worry about, anytime we had rough sex tho I would again suffer from some insane vaginal burning and a lot of itch was, sometimes after I masterbate do i would have a few days of some soreness that's was pretty painful and sex for the most part, The last two years became a bit painful. And I began to abstain from it, me and my guy broke up

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We had a pretty terrible sex life but wonderful relationship, I think the sex part killed us. I hooked up with other guys shortly after and even had an other relationship for a short while and now two years after the original test I had an Herpes Out break, it started a couple days after I hooked up with a guy who liked to have really rough sex, the super duper painful kind for me, it was a full OB it started with my clitoris feeling as though I cut it and then getting super swollen, the. A super bad smell completely unlike I had ever expericed within my body, then awful fatigue and lethargy, pain everywhere in my body including butt and thighs and neck and lower back, like bad pain like I couldn't move I couldn't pee because it was a level 10 of pain I don't wish on anyone, there were red bumps then straight up skin missing from my labia specially my clitoris. I got a swap at the er hat confirmed hsv2, the symptoms I experienced were the first time I'd ever had them, indicating my first ever OB, I called everyone is been with and told them what happened and told them to get checked out. I have no idea of knowing when I got this virus and how but everyone I've been with has tested negative... How could this be? I'm sooo confused. How was I the only one who ended up with this I e had 4 partners all at some point had unprotected sex... All tested negative is it possible they've just never had an outbreak?

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Omg! You should have gone to the ER when you got sick like that! It sounds like you got viral meningitis from it, luckily it's not deadly and just has to run its course, but it can come w complications and you're lucky you didn't have extra fluid in your brain. Next time you get sick like that and have a stuff neck, you need to go to the ER ASAP!

.he probably tested negative, because he just got it from sleeping w her and passed it to you during the incubation period. Takes 4 months to show.


Your symptoms previously are indicative of an OB.. Sometimes people get it and don't have full on obs until something like stress or trauma down there triggers it. I've had it almost two yrs and I have been had blisters, not even on my primary and have only had a bump or two or redness since the primary. I am now having an aggressive obz almost like a primary and each day a new OB comes out and the biggest spot just keeps having recurring blisters dome out daily. It just happens like that. One of my good gfs clearkybgit H from her bf, was asymptomatic z then deployed to Afghanistan and after 3 months of being there broke out her first primary from stress. So yeah, it can happen like that.


It's possible to never pass it, but I'm willing the first guy hooked up w his ex gf and then hooked up w you immediately after and is why he was negative.. Or he could be lying to you?

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Omg I'm so sorry to hear that!!! do you know what I found it be extremely helpful, I got a spray water bottle and kept it in the bathroom and sprayed at the same time I peed and it didn't hurt so bad you'll get through this Ob thank god it dosnt last forever, I learned so much from my first OB I learned only cotton panties, no panty liners.... The discharge get traps and dosnt dry and spreads the bumps around... Don't shave! omg don't shave not even your bikini line cause you'll get the worst razor rash on earth for some ungodly reason... Stay home try to not leave your house just sleep it off if you're lucky I'm a waitress and had to work 12 hour shifts during the first few days it's was torture but I made it. I feel like they are all lying lol I don't trust anyone anymore.

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