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I am on my first outbreak and need help

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Hi I am 21 and found out that I had HSV 2. I dont even know who gave it to me but i learned to just live with it. I still feel sad every now and then. I dont think i will ever have kids or a man but i accept it. But I have had my outbreak for like 3 weeks and I am taking Valacyclovir for 5 days now. I dont see improvement, I just want them to go away because I cant urinate good or anything and it hurts. Im also a flight attendant so it kinda sucks having to show a nice face and knowing you are in pain.


Also how can I prevent them from re accruing in the future? Can I avoid them somehow? What should I avoid and what can I do? Can I share anything? Am I a walking parasite?


I just need help. Im lost and my doctor doesn't really have that natural compassion to help me emotionally.

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You aren't a walking parasite. From my experience, doctors are good at treating not healing. My diagnosis was traumatic as well, as if suddenly, there was a wall btw my doctor and me. I guess they are used to not getting emotionally attached.


So, meds should be kicking in right about now. Blisters should clear out real soon. For pain, you can take pain killers, they work. As for the preventing OBs, avoid stress, eat healthy and exercise. I know it sounds like BS but stress is the #1 trigger for me. You can try lysine, vitamin b and probiotics to support your immune system. Eat lots of fresh fruit and yogurt. WCSdancer has some wonderful tips abt this issue.


First 6 months to a year, your body is working to control the virus so taking care of yourself is important. Also, please dont give in to dark thoughts. Of course, you can find a man and get married and have kids. This isn't a bloodborne virus so it doesn't affct pregnancy. The only thing you should be careful abt is having an active ob at the time of delivery even then, they perform a C section and you'll be fine. Please check the success stories section.


First OB causes many people to have some UTI symptoms. Urinating in shower or running down water when urinating might help. Also, drink lots of water to dilute the urine.


Everything is gonna be okay. You are gonna handle this. Dont worry. Hugs to you.

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@Denice9417 You go girl!!! You made a 90 degree turn around already! Educate yourself, get as much rest as possible, try to be calm....I know as a stewardess.....that's not easy and just know you are not alone. Look around on your next flight.....about every other row is occupied by someone with H. They likely look as normal as you do.

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Thanks sooooo much :) yeah uts not easy being a stewardess at all. I will also follow what you said so I can get better. And well yeah you are right, I guess its just that one doesn't know who and who has H. I'm not alone and I will keep striving.

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