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Hsv-1, dating and oral sex transmission


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I am just starting to date someone and have disclosed having herpes. Mine is HSV-1 genital. He's been very kind and taking his time to think about moving forward with me. He's made it clear he doesn't want to be rash about closing the door on opportunity for relationship by reacting impulsively. I'd like to give him disclosure handout and wanted more info to pass onto him to help him learn about this. It's also helpful his best friend, who is a female, has it as well. He is not herpes positive, though not sure if he's been recently tested. I'm going to ask that he be tested. Also, wondering about giving and receiving oral sex and how this can impact him. I've never had an oral outbreak, so I'm thinking giving oral sex poses no risk? Also, receiving oral sex, can he contract herpes from me if I'm shedding and don't know? I've only had two outbreaks this year and both lasting less then a week. Thanks!

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