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GHSV1 questions that eat me away daily

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Hi everyone! 3 months ago I found out I had genital HSV1, and I'm having a really hard time coming to terms with it.


I am a female. At the time, the lesions were very minor and only lasted 3 days total before healed. I was also having symptoms of swollen neck glands, white patches in my throat, fever, and heavy fatigue at the time. I am unsure if it was related, or if it was due to my Mono diagnosis a month prior.



At the time of my primary OB my doctor did a swab test. (positive for HSV1, does this test rule out HSV2?)

He made me feel like it was such an insignificant problem to have, brushed it off, and told me he wouldn't disclose with any future partners, to just wait until completely healed, and then another 3 weeks after, until engaging in any activity. I waited 4 weeks before I hooked up with my at the time BF and nothing happened as far as passing it along. I haven't done anything since. I am no longer in that relationship and being only 24 I worry about my future dating life. I have had no second OB and no feelings of shedding related to what I have read online, I dont think (tingling, itching, etc.)



I am extremely worried about asymptomatic shedding. I assume that every single time I come into contact with someone sexually I will pass it along, and that terrifies me! I check my downstairs constantly. and I mean CONSTANTLY. I suppose I am a little paranoid...


Recently, however, I had a drunken hookup with a mutual friend. We did not have sex, however he did go down on me for -id have to say -30 seconds before I pulled him off out of fear. This was a few days ago and I am now terrified of a future call that he contracted oral HSV 1.


My thought process is that since HSV1 prefers the mouth, would my genital HSV1 be more prone to jump to someone's mouth the second it had opportunity?


Also, how obvious are the signs of asymptomatic shedding, will I know when I feel it? the tingles/itches, and such?


How often does one shed asymptomatically? And does the outbreak limit itself to one spot on my body, meaning only the small amount of skin that had bumps is where im contagious?


Lastly, because of the symptoms I was experiencing at the time of my initial OB, I also am paranoid about every other symptom of illness my body has to date and the connection it may have to HSV1. I often get a sore throat and swollen glands. I check my throat a lot and tweak myself out about every minor abnormal looking anything.


any information to help ease my overly-stressed mind would be helpful. I'm considering abstinence at this point so that I only have to worry about my own health, and not potential partners.


Sorry if any of these questions are ridiculous, as you can tell I'm tweaking...





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