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Acyclovir side effects and homeopathic remedies

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Has anyone had any side effect with acyclovir? I already have the prescription but never used it as i was trying to do everything natural. I have gastritis and i am afraid it could bother my stomach. I have appointment with the gastro in 3 weeks but in the mean time would like to know if anyone has had any stomach upsetting taking the pills?


Has anyone used homeopathic remedies or any home remedies for vulva outbreak?

My ob are recurrent since diagnosed with H 4 months ago and will definitely go under medication but I am afraid of the side effects since my stomach is being very delicate lately.




@kmichel, I am also really curious about the long term side effects of the anti-viral prescriptions and homeopathic remedies/prevention for OB's.


So far, I have had my initial OB and then started getting recurring OB's with my period. I am not on a suppressive at this time but want to explore that option. When I did take an anti-viral the first time, I was only interested in the OB so I didn't notice the side effects.


I have done some research on the home remedies etc. and think that a diet and lifestyle that supports a good immune system is ultimately the goal. Personally, lack of sleep and alcohol seem to be massive contributors to my OB's. I also think yoga helped with stress management and good physical health, so maybe try addressing those areas. I also learned that there are a bunch of immune supporting supplements and vitamins to take. Definitely encourage you to take Lysine!


That's as much as I have, hope it helps some! Very curious to hear from others...


@attutudeofgratitude Thank you for your comment. Indeed Lysine + zinc taking other vitamins has helped me! I am eating much healthier right now, so I have not got the OB but had some other bothers. After I get my final result from the gastroenterologist I will resume to all my vitamins and other things, I did not list certain things I was taking when I had a test done, so that was my concern. However interested in suppressives for the future and in order not to infect my partner when I hopefully resume to a relationship and sexual life.

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