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Have I passed my hsv2???.

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Hi everyone.I'm new to this so please be nice lol I found out 7 months ago I have hsv2 so still not 100% on everything. Right now I have an active OB mild but its there. Last night my little girl was in the shower and please don't judge but I done a quick pee and stupidly without thinking stood up and showered my wee one but I took the shower to give her peepee a little wash and I touched her just below her belly,near her pelvis just so I could see what I was doing. I know I should have washed my hands after using the toilet I obviously always do but I just wasn't thinking. So my question is could I have now passed it to my little girl? I'm pretty sure I never touched any sores as I try to avoid touching them but I'm so paranoid. She's only 3 and I feel like the worst mother in the world just in case iv infected her. I know some people might think I'm being silly but I can't help but worry. Thanks in advance to anyone who answers.


I don't think you have passed this on, so do not worry. But of course learn from this scare and remember to not touch your genitals/sores if you have an active OB.



I didn't,I always try not to touch them. It's just so hard as i dont actually get them on my genitals,always the skin around etc and usually easily mistaken for regular spots. Im just so paranoid but thank you for replying and yes I will definitely not make the same mistake again. Thanks

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