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Getting Depressed

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I've had herpes a long time now. I used to be okay with it but now I'm just sitting back and looking at all the things I have missed out on. I posted here a long time ago, haven't been back in a while. I contracted this when I was just budding into a young woman. To be honest, If I could do it all over again I would have orgies, be with men and women and have fun. But I couldn't. I am very sexual and I can't enjoy myself. I have one partner but he's too old for me and can't keep an erection for long. I want more sex. I stopped liking it for a while but now I'm craving it. All I can do now is just sit back and look forward to a life of no sensuality. I started drinking and smoking pot. I sleep mostly to forget my life. So now what? What do i have to look forward too?


@Angelina Is your depression related to your herpes or your current situation? Are you and your partner monogamous? I'm trying to understand why you are being held back.

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