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Recurrent HSV induced erythema multiforma

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Hello all,


I have had Genital HSV since 2002. I moved to Asia in 2004 and got involved in an extremely toxic relationship, in 2006 I had a sudden outbreak which has now been diangosed as HIEM. I contribute this disease to increased cortisol levels due to being so incredibly stressed out during the tumultuous relationship. I moved back to the states in 2008 and removed the stressor (ex gf) and voila my EM subsided dramatically and completely disappeared until my next overseas trip. Ive tried everything under the sun including valtrex, acyclovir, cortisol steroids, and even malaria tablets in Thailand. I usually just wait the outbreak out and everything subsides within 3 weeks or so but makes traveling painful.


Im happily married now and enjoy traveling throughout the world, however every trip is accompanied with an outbreak of EM. I am thinking it has to do with the stress I put my body through with long trips to the other side of the world. I am good for the first half of the vacation then all of a sudden I have an outbreak, this last one was quite bad, the worst I have had in 10 years with lesions all over back of hands, feet, torso, etc. It should be noted that my EM OB's do not follow a Genital HSV OB. I rarely have HSV OB's, but get the EM every single time I travel without fail.


I read a recent article about Humira being used to treat EM, you can find the article here



Has anyone ever tried Humira as a form of treatment for EM? I would love to hear stories on it if so?


Thanks so much


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