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I get what look like outbreaks above my genital area...

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I was with a lover (i am married) and had protected sex with her about 2 years ago. About 5 days after I got bumps in the area above my genitals...the area just below my belly button and above my penis. I assumed it was from shaving and got infected. I used Neosporin...everntually went to the doctor who told me I had an infection and put me on antibiotics. Several months later...i got again and it a very similar spot. During this time, I have had many instances of unprotected sex with my wife. She has not shown anything. I have now had approx 5-6 outbreaks and am fairly certain it is herpes. My question is this...can I be infected in the area mentioned above (pelvic area)...I have no outbreaks at all around any area of my groin/penis/anus...just the area above my genitals-below the belly button - and not pass along to my wife? we have had unprotected sex during all stages of outbreak (again...i am now assuming i have Herpes - I have not gotten tested and terrifies to do so!!). She has shown no signs at all. I know i should go get tested and probably will. but is it possible that i have something other than herpes?

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Anything is possible. Maybe it's nothing, maybe it's herpes. There's only one way to know and that's an IgG blood test. I understand that it's scary to go get the test for fear of the ramifications, but no amount of speculation from any of us is going to give you the same peace of mind than a visit with your doctor.


Herpes can exit the body anywhere in the boxer shorts region. It lives in the ganglial nerves at the base of the spine so outbreaks can happen anywhere in that boxer shorts area. Sometimes it's obvious, as in the case of an outbreak, but there's also "asymptomatic shedding" where the virus sheds the body with no symptoms whatsoever. 87% of people with herpes don't have any symptoms, or they're so mild they're mistaken for something else. You are always potentially infectious to others (with asymptomatic shedding you can't tell when the virus is shedding), but very much so during an active outbreak.

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