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Newly diagnosed and trying to figure out symptoms

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I was recently diagnosed a few days ago. I think I started experiencing symptoms months ago, but thought it was itchy razor burn. A week ago I noticed bumps on the outside of my vagina that I thought were ingrown hairs. They very quickly spread and became lesions. I’m still going through the emotions after my doctor visit. The antiviral has been helping with the clearing of some of the lesions and the numbing jelly is helping with the pain however I am having some facial sensations. I’m wondering if anyone has experienced any facial pain, numbness or other sensations related to the HSV? I thought I was only experiencing Genital issues and symptoms but I am not so sure now. I’m trying to navigate myself through all this but I’m nervous and scared it could be worse than I thought. I’ve heard the first outbreak is the worst, but facial issues now??? I’d love any advice or knowledge!


On another note reading everyone’s discussions have been really helpful. Thank you all for sharing!

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