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Buttock/Tailbone Outbreaks

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When I was young, I would get cold sores on my lips. I remember specifically the worst outbreak ever when I was about 16-17 years old, it was so bad, it left a little scar on the bottom of my lip. After that, I never got another cold sore on my lips and years went by before I got another outbreak but this time, it was on my genitals. I kept getting it on my genitals for few years then no more outbreaks for several years. After that, I ended up going through very stressful time in my life and started having outbreaks on my tailbone or buttocks and never again on my genitals. I would say that it's been about 15 years since I've been getting outbreaks only on my buttocks or tailbone, never again on my lips (last one when I was 17) or on my genitals. So, I'm a little confused about the virus. Do I have 1 or 2? Both? Or is it 1 but it somehow transferred onto my genitalia then buttocks?


In a way, I'm glad I no longer get the cold sores because the ones on my back can be easily hidden but I feel that people are more accepting to see cold sores on the lips then anywhere else.


The easiest way to know what you have is to go get tested. I just found out that I have type 2 and I also get my outbreaks on my buttocks, in the waistline. Almost like where the butt to make a hill if that makes sense. Even though I was recently diagnosed I had the same rash a little more than a year ago and the dr told me it was a bug bite. Never even asked if I wanted a herpes test. So go get tested so you can know your status

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