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I recently got diagnosed with type 1 eventually and I've been terrified somehow ill give it to my 2 year old daughter or that ill get a herpectic whitlow on my fingers or something i always try to remeber to sanitize or wash my hands before and after a diaper change and try to be as careful as I can but its just driving me insane somehow she will get it like it will jump from a baby wipe or aome of my clothes or anything if she has a lil acne in her forhead or anything I freak and think its hsv she also is always getting diaper rashs and yeast infections ever since she was a an infant and that dosent help can someone please give some insight my doc is not good I'm gonna get a new one

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Definitely get a new doctor if you aren't happy with the one you have!

Also, just be sure to wash your hands with soap and warm water as normal and things should be fine.

Data suggests that regular hand washing effectively kills the herpes virus, and it doesn't live outside a host for long at all. A matter of minutes, I think.

The stress and the fear of the diagnosis compounded by caring for a young child seems to be building up a bit. If you find yourself really struggling with those thoughts, consider posting in the "herpes buddies" thread and see if there is anyone else who has raised a child while dealing with this kind of situation.

Data shows it is entirely possible not to transmit.

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