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HSV1 weird symptoms

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Hello all

I was diagnosed with GHSV1 with a swab in Dec 2018. I had a small red colour pigment on my penis shaft. Initially the doc said it is not herpes but I insisted to swab test and it came positive. 

It has been 6 months and the red pigment about 1 cm just keeping becoming pink and red shades but does not crust or forms a lesion. Sometimes it also has some white Curdy film all over my penis and I wash it with water and goes away.  After few days the red spot becomes dry and the white material goes away but I never rget to my original skin on the red spot. It does not pain there is no water filled blister and nothing at all. I am not taking any antivirals since I was diagnosed. 

The dermatologist say it is just a scar from the virus and it might take time to go away or it will stay there forever.

Has anyone male/female encountered anything like this before? I was under the impression that herpes sore comes and goes away but not in my case.

I would appreciate any feedback or advice 

On 5/28/2019 at 1:54 PM, Robdarko said:

I had a small red colour pigment on my penis shaft. Initially the doc said it is not herpes but I insisted to swab test and it came positive. 

I don't understand what you mean by "pigment." Was it a blister or lesion? If it was just that the skin was a different color, I can't imagine there would have been anything to swab. 

I'm not getting a clear picture from what you're describing, about what is going on with this lesion. If the dermatologist is assessing it as scar tissue, then this is likely what it is. However, if it is constantly changing, and you have film developing, you may want to get a second opinion. You may have a secondary infection/inflammation from the original herpes lesion. 

Also you may want to consider taking antivirals for a little while to see if the bump goes away. I would try this if I were in your position.

Good luck

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