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Posts posted by Birdsandbutterflies

  1. Wow, so sorry, he is a bit foolish for doing that, it's not like you knew. The virus can lay dormant for years and years and not ever show symptoms. Like you may never have a break out.

    And he could get into a relationship With someone else and that person has it.


    As hard as it maybe to hear it seems that he quickly bailed out after being with you for two years. And knowing you for longer. Like he's Not much of a friend if he's not even going to speak to you.

    Maybe he wasn't invested in the relationship as much as you thought.

    Did you have any other relationship difficulties so that the herpes thing was just his excuse to get out? Obviously he's not the right person for you


    I'm so sorry you got left like that by him but maybe it is better that it happened now rather even further down the line.


    Be strong, be confident. Youre going to be ok.








  2. For fungal and gut issues you have to knock sugar on the head. And yeast too. Breads and pizza, stuff with yeast and sugar in. All that just feeds the Candida or fungus.

    I'd go on a super clean diet. No processed foods. No sugar, no fake sugar. Go back to very, very basic foods. It will mean creating meals from scratch but it's the way to go.

    Maybe an anti Candida diet for a few months wouldn't hurt. That can be strict to do but might put a dent in the fungal issue.


    Look into Goldenseal, it's a very potent anti fungal, good to combat Candida.

    I think addressing the fungal issue will build your immune system up and it may help in reducing the herpes outbreaks.


    Good luck and wishing you the best.


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  3. Thanks lifegoeson for your comment. I think it's very odd that they are like this about it and that std screening doesn't include herpes. It's quite strange. I know it's a bit of a stretch but it seems it's like it could be money related. Look how much they prescribe the antivirals. I'm sure if people were more educated about herpes they'd be perhaps a little more careful. I have to say I have been a bit ignorant. I did not realize how easily it's transmitted and that it is in the body long term. It's not like some other std's where antibiotics are given and it clears up.

    I am also really surprised that different medical staff are not educated enough and have differing points of views and information on the same topic.

  4. ugh. That is unfortunate bad timing. Maybe you were stressed about the biopsy procedure and outbreak occurred.

    Hmm whether to cancel or not. That is a personal choice and really up to you. You know your body better than anyone. Could the biopsy aggravate that area and make the outbreak worse?. It's possible but it may not. And if you do all the self help stuff that is suggested on these forums, it may not be too bad and it will be manageable.

    What does your gut instinct say?.


    For me I would just go ahead and get it done out the way and just suffer for a few days. I wouldn't want to have the re scheduled procedure date hanging over me, possibly weeks away. But that's just me. It's still up to you and what you feel is best for you.


    Whatever you decide I hope your biopsy results will be ok when you do get them. Wishing you well.

  5. I tell ya, It is all very confusing when the medical staff don't agree on things or having differing information. I saw my gyno yesterday. Read my other post if you want.


    He was like oh the sore or lesion needs to be swabbed and cultured to determine exactly what it is and that blood showing antibodies is not exact. Wtf does he mean. If you have a sore that looks just like a herpes sore, acts like a herpe sore, painful like a herpes sore AND the blood shows antibodies for hsv2. Then wouldn't that mean I have herpes virus in my system.

    That's my Situation and thoughts on it. He was trying to say that he can't determine what I had without the culture results. He's saying that blood showing antibodies to it. means you've been "exposed" to it. But don't necessarily have it. That's his words, not mine. Weird.


    The thing I do know is you could have had the virus way before your current bf. For me I've never had any symptoms, no outbreak that I ever noticed or anything in the past fifteen years. Then a month ago. Boom, awful painful lesion on my genitalia. My immune system was low, lots of stress and I have autoimmune disorder, So it decided to show up. I'm in a happy monogamous relationship and neither one of us have strayed in fifteen years.

    I was shocked and horrified when the NP said it looked just like hsv2. And ordered me lab work which results said I had tested positive Igg hsv2. antibodies. Hsv1 was negative.


    Herpes can be transmitted on parts of skin where a condom is not covering anywhere in "boxer short" area.

    I can understand you're scared. I was too but as the weeks are going by and learning all I can about it. It is less scary. And you may have a mild case and never have a lesion again. That's possible.


    My gyno doctor was very nonchalant About it almost saying that nearly everyone. will have antibodies to herpes. Only some people have full on break outs and bad case of it and other people are asymptomatic and have no symptoms at all.

    It's possible your bf results maybe positive but it doesn't necessarily mean he gave it to you or you to him especially if you've both had previous intimate relationships.


    Hang in there. And do what you can to de stress. It seems stress is not good for immune system and that's how these things emerge from hiding.







  6. A month ago I had a sore. Went to my local nurse at a clinic she did not swab the lesion. I lab work. I got blood work done. Igg Hsv 2 positive . The rest was negative.


    So the gyno I saw today. I could not get an appointment any sooner while the sore was still fresh and new. It is now healed over but the skin area is still tender and sensitive.

    The doctor Said that the lesion or sore should have been swabbed in order to get accurate reading for herpes. The nurse at the other clinic chose not to do a swab even though I asked her.

    The gyno doctor said you can't go by blood work IGG number. He said that just means I was "exposed" to herpes.

    What is he talking about?

    He said it's like getting a vaccine for a disease, your blood will show up with antibodies showing you've been exposed to it but doesn't mean you have it. Same with herpes. He said majority of people has been exposed to herpes if they've had close contact intimacy, kiss. Etc. and would probably show antibodies to herpes. Doesn't mean they have it.


    what is he saying? He confused me a bit.

    He was very nonchalant that I had about it all and said he can't say what I had or what the sore was without a culture swab.

    I told him about the tingling sensations and the awful itching which the itching has just about gone now but I still having tingling sendations going on feeling like creepy crawleys and it's been a month since I had the "outbreak".

    He didn't seem concerned about the other symptoms.


    And he thinks whatever sensitivity I have in my genital area is due to hormones as I'm nearly 53. And he said the skin gets thinner and more sensitive with age. And he prescribed me estrogen cream.


    I also have burning and irritation after I pee. And I had my pee checked. Came back clean. No UTI.


    I don't get it. I had a lesion, no doubt about it. Very painful and I had the tingling and itching. And positive igg blood work.

    So why would this doctor not go with this info.


    he didn't give me any anti virals just in case I do have another break out.


    He said IF I do happen to get another sore to go to his clinic and get it cultured.


    And he said to carry on as usual when I asked about my husband and having sex with him.

    He didn't say anything about abstaining if I had prodome. Or tingling symptoms.

    I actually mentioned the word prodome and he just ignored me.


    So wtf. I mean in a way his carefree unconcerned attitude made me feel better and the nurse assistant was like oh yeah herpes is super common. She said out of every fifteen patients there's twelve with herpes.


    Is like it was no big deal to them.


    I'm trying to make it not a big deal but dreading the possibility of getting another outbreak. I had a very mild case. And that was first time. Oh that's another thing, The doctor said a first outbreak is usually very bad and not going to get just one sore.


    I honestly think the doctor was not informed right.


    What do you guys think of what I've said.







  7. @lovethemountains thanks for responding. You are so right, I've read many stories in here and my heart does go out to everyone.

    I am thankful for my spouse, I was actually very scared he may turn around and say he was done with me after this latest news. But we have other things we connect on, it's not just intimacy. We've been through a lot of things over the years and we get through it together. So yes I can see my Situation is different to many in this forum.


    I do have concerns because I also have an autoimmune disease and that is a challenge to live With, I've had it for years and has effected me physically and emotionally. And so having any added ailment into the mix can complicate things. I'm not currently on an autoimmune suppressant medication but I have in the past And I sometime have to go on steroids and from what I've read the steroids can aggravate herpes virus even more so especially if on a outbreak. So that also concerns me. Why the virus has reared its head at this time I don't know but the disease I have has also flared up symptoms recently. The flare up and the herpes break out happened at the same time. Why it's happening all at once I don't know. Hopefully everything will calm down soon.


    I will check out @sunset thread.





  8. Hi, you've dealt With a traumatic past and I know that must be hard. I wanted to say hi and share.


    I'm new to this forum and recently find out I have HSV2. I've read and read and read different things, forums, personal experiences. And it seems yes it is possible to have the virus dormant for many years,a couple of decades and then it pops up out of the blue. Stress, hormone changes, anything could trigger it coming to the surface. I believe it for myself too and doubt very much my spouse cheated, we're in.a good relationship. So I hope that may help, You could have easily had this a very long time before it decided to pop up. And reflect back also have you ever had mild itching, or what you think is a hair bump or scratch in the past. That's what I have thought and it's like oh well I did have some itching issue but thought it was detergent, I had a what I thought was a zit in my pubic area. Those things could have been related to the virus and had no clue. Only my recent experience is my first break out that is classic symptoms of herpes.

    Painful Blister, tingling, .Etc. And I got officially diagnosed to my shock and horror. I'm still processing it. I've been trying to relax and calm the anxiety. Is hard I know.


    Yes, just believe it will get better. It just has to. I even found a youtube calming music for genital healing, lol. Go look.for it. It's very relaxing. And Another video for nervous. It's amazing what healing music is out there. I don't know if we can eradicate the virus but i do feel If we build our immune system up With the right diet, healthy lifestyle, good attitude , practice meditation or something to calm our nervous system down. Breathing exercises, get oxygen in. I think it's possible we can calm everything down and make the little herpy buggar go to sleep.


    That's what I'm hoping. I wish this for you too.

    You aren't alone.

    I'm grateful for this group. I don't feel so alone either now.


  9. Wel this is just great. Another sore popped up. I took a salt bath and put some lemon balm salve on it. I think all the anxiety and worrying and stressing made it come out.

    I need to get a grip on this anxiety I have. It's very high. Tried to do breathing and relaxing. I did some painting yesterday, trying to distract and act "normal" I've been wearing a skirt for three weeks as it's too uncomfortable to wear anything like jeans.

    Not sure if anyone is reading my posts.

    I just want some support and tell me it'll get better. Thanks.

  10. I wake up every morning with panicky feeling. The tingling is still there after three weeks. The sore has healed up, The pain gone but still have the tingling sensation.

    I started with the sore, I thought I'd cut myself. I left it for a few days then got worried. I saw my nurse and she recognised it as herpes. I freaked out internally and was in shock. She gave me Valtrex and a lab order and I got tested. Results Came back positive for HSV2. Negative for 1.

    I've been married for over twenty five years. I was unfaithful 15 years ago, my husband knows and we worked through it. We're very close now. Before marriage I was also careless and had different partners.

    I came home after seeing the nurse and had to tell my husband about the herpes. He was shocked too but saw how distraught I was and I was sobbing, He just held me.


    I have not had a previous outbreak. This is first time anything like this. In the past i've had a bump, a bit of an itch but thought it was razor bump etc.


    I can't stop the anxiety over this, I have an anxiety disorder.

    This situation has caused the anxiety to escalate.

    I also have an autoimmune disease which causes chronic pain. I feel a mess.


    I am trying to destress and relax as I know that's the best thing. It's hard to think that I've done this to myself and possibly to my husband. I doubt that he gave it to me. I feel constant guilt and so ashamed. I wish I could turn the clocks back, I wish I'd lived my life differently. What gets me is my husband still loves me.

    I don't think he understand about herpes. I did explain that some people can have it and have not symptoms.

    Husband said he has had no signs ever. No issues.

    We've had unprotected sex all these years.

    So now what?

    The nurse said that he doesn't need to be tested if he has no symptoms. I am not sure of that. And she said to not have sex if I have a break out. That was her input. I read though that you can still transmit even without a breakout. What do we do, carry on having sex but only when not have a breakout. He hasn't had any signs at all. He's a calm person too.

    But can't do anything right now because I have the tingling. Why is it still there?


    If the tingling stopped I think I'd feel better mentally, But it's there "tormenting" me.

    Will the tingling go away? It has been three weeks since the sore appeared.


    I'm also 52, I could be heading into menopause any time. How will that effect break outs? Would it increase them.. I don't think I can handle another break out, This is devastating.


    I am being pro active though, I am doing a clean diet, no sugar or processed foods. keeping away from the nuts and chocolate, which are food I usually eat regularly.

    Started taking Lysine, oil of oregano, olive leaf, vitamins etc.

    Doing meditations to try and get me to relax.


    I've watched the video here and I've read a lot. So ok someone said it is just a virus, a skin disorder. Thousands of people have it. That still doesn't make it right for me or make me feel better.


    Thank you for reading. I'd appreciate any support, feedback on my questions. I feel very alone with this. I can't tell anyone else, no family or friends. Just can't tell anyone.






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