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Everything posted by Privateedition

  1. Hello :) I am wondering if there is anybody from Germany here, who can help me to understand where the testing is possible. I am an international student, with a very limited knowledge of German and German healthcare system. I had my first outbreak 6 months ago since then I have visited STD center in Berlin, they said that most likely it was herpes, but told me they do not do tests. Then I went to the doctor, who also said it is most likely herpes and gave me 5-day medication course "just in case." I went to the third doctor, asking for the test, who told me "test is not needed, he can see it with his eyes and I should go back to him when I get an outbreak" - The problem is that I only got minor outbreaks only. For example, if I drink alcohol, I might get a small sore, maybe one, maximum two, or before I get my period. It usually lasts from 1 to 2 days, meaning that it is gone before I get a doctors appointment. :(
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