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Everything posted by amor

  1. Yes this person believes they have had it for a multiple years, so the months shouldn't really matter. I also read that most false negatives are either because the test is too early or antivirals. Also, read there are a lot of 1-4-ish range that could go either way. If you had to put a guess on it, would you think this person is positive or negative? Def interested in the western blott but wont be able to get the results very quickly so just trying to be as informed as I can be
  2. I have gotten what I thought were cold sores in the past but only in the winter and I bite my lips a lot in the winter, so not 100% sure if they are really cold sores but always assumed they were. I recently got tested and both hsv 1&2 came back negative < 0.91. I am reading there are a lot of false negatives, but that they might be due to not waiting long enough to take the test or because of antiviral use. Neither of those is the case for me. What do you think the percentage would be of this being correct? Is the 70% number for this case? Higher? Lower? Thanks! I don't want to transmit to any partners if i have it.
  3. I got three bits of new news today, my swabs came back positive for both oral and genital hsv1. Also I got a seperation notice from my wife. Not sure how to get threw this. I am on day 8 sense contact and my mouth is on fire, but i still dont see blisters really, Idk, not sure how much more i cant take physically or mentally. I have slept 5 hours in the last 3 days. How do i survive....
  4. Went to the dr, they said that we can talk suppression after this first outbreak, but they gave me a 10 day supply of acyclovir 3x 400mg per day. I asked for valtrex but they said this was the same. Should I have pushed harder for something else? Is that enough I read 5x 400mg per day is advised
  5. Went to the dr, they said that we can talk suppression after this first outbreak, but they gave me a 10 day supply of acyclovir 3x per day. I asked for valtrex but they said this was the same. Should I have pushed harder for something else?
  6. Your totally right, my family is the most important thing in my life and keeping them safe and happy is my #1 priority through this. I have been wearimg a mask around the kids to avoid incidental contact with any part of them. I have no problem being truthful with my wife and praying for the best. She is my everything so i hope she will stay by me. I see people at work with like one cold sore, but idk if i can go to work with a mouth full
  7. How long did it last? I am on day 3ish, did you get many external lip sores?
  8. I am in my initial outbreak and have blisters forming in my mout but none on my lips yet. Will putting abreva on my lips before the blisters show up help? I think the packaging says it will but not sure
  9. I went on a business trips last week (Thursday) and got a little frisky with a stripper, only kissed her once but she gave me head. Came home not thinking too much about it, but havent really been feeling well, slight fever maybe, achie. Last night my feet started burning anf itching. I went to the bathroom and looked in thr mirror and my tongue looked crazy. A bunch of redish circles and these weird bumps underneath. I went to a 24\7 clinic and,they coupdnt definitely say it was herpes, but very likely. None of the circles have blistered yet. My mouth feel like its on fire now. He gave me 3 1g doses of the v drug and an oral rinse. I picked up some abreva too. I have two little kids and a wife at home and i am devastated. I havent slept in 36 hours. On top of that its my sons bday today. So I,am trying to kick this initial attack as quick as i can, any advise? Also I want to prevent my kids and wife from getting it. I feel like i can manage the cols sores if i find a way thru this initial attack. How long do u think it will last? Will i get a lot of sores on my lips? Those,worry me the most due l to being visible. Thanks!
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