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Posts posted by Jackattack

  1. I'm definitely going to try coconut oil and then when/if happens I'll iinsist on getting swabbed.  I really think it's from thin skin. I take valtrex daily as a preventative so I doubt its an outbreak.  My outbreaks happen like every 4 years etc.  Thank you For messaging back.  I really appreciate hearing from someone who is suffering the same as me. I'm definitely alao googling that magic cream. I am willing to try anything!!! Plus it's natural so win win!!! Thank you so much!!!!! Xx

  2. Thankyou so much for your reply.  I am interested to see how this emollient works. I haven't had them swabbed as I am too frightened. The tears are quite bad at times. I know it's because the skin is so thin. I will go to my Dr and ask for some skin strengthening cream or alike. Lube has been helpful but does not always work.  For a time there it was one particular place that re opened. About 3 yeara ago I had a breakout of only 1 lesion  and it was confirmed that it was a replapse of hsv1. Since then that area of skin is sooo thin and just reopens at times.  I hope you find  some success with emollient.  I am going to find out if I can get it in Australia.  

  3. On 12/2/2018 at 6:16 AM, Hiddenkiwi said:

    valaciclocir 500mg

    Yep. I'm the same.  I take the same tablets. I take 1 x 500mg daily and then after sex I take 100mg a day. So 2 just to keep it at bay.  I find that if I don't have special cuddles a often with my hubby it stays away. I make sure there is a lot of lube and also I do think that my pill thins the skin down there......

  4. On 6/8/2018 at 11:08 PM, Hushie said:

    I have the same thing (for about 5 years) and have not found another cause or a possible solution to this.....it’s incredibly frustrating but luckily my husband is very understanding but it definitely makes things difficult. I’ve totally changed my diet and I notice certain foods trigger a change in the tissue down there but it hasn’t stopped the tearing yet.

    Hi there, I have altered my diet too.  I eat foods high in Lysine now but I still tore :(.  What changes have you made to your diet? 

  5. Hi @Sab123 @gracie - I was wondering if you guys have any updates? I am still having these issues.  It went away for a few weeks and thought I was home free, then got a chest infection and it happened again.  Same spot.  Tiny cut that healed basically overnight.  I'm still taking Valtrex and Lysine supps, have a reasonably good diet.  Try to eat well.  I'm so over it! 

  6. Hi there, quick run down.  Diagnosed with GHSV1 10 years ago which was my initial OB.  Thanks to my then BF having a cold sore and kissing me 'down under'. Only had 2 outbreaks since.  One in 2014 (blisters). 2nd outbreak in June (1 x small cut like lesion). So two very different outbreaks. I have always been on Valaciclovir (500mg daily for the last 4 years).  Since my last OB, I have been on Lysine tablets, 2,000mg of Valaciclovir to make it go away.  My issue is this 1 tiny little cut that re-opens after being intimate with my husband.  I use excess amount of lube too.  I let it heal (which it does quickly). Leave it for a few weeks and then it's back again.  I s this HSV1 coming back? Or is this because my skin is thin ? I have always been on Diane pill (birth control).  I am  very depressed and frustrated and I've become obsessed over this .  I have googled so much my eyes are sore! I don't seem to know anyone that has HSV1 or 2.  I'm feeling very alone and I feel as though I will never have an enjoyable sex life again.

  7. I'm very depressed. I am a 38 year old female and have HSV1 gentially.  I had an OB back in June.  1 lesion.  Before that I haven't had anything for 4 years and it was different.  I have been on daily Valtrex for years.  My outbreak 4 years ago were  blisters then, now it's just 1 small cut.  Every time I let the 1 lesion heal, my husband and I have sex and it opens again. It's annoying. I am on daily valtrex and I take Lysine & try and eat well, sleep well, blah blah and nothing. I'm so upset right now. Nothing helps. No amount of lube helps. I'm convinced I will never be able to have sex again.

  8. Hi there, I'm a mumma of 1 and I'm in Australia. Not sure if there are any Aussies on here, but I'm 38 and I haven't had a break out for about 4 years till now and it's ongoing. It won't heal, just 1 annoying lesion that opens up every time I have sex with my hubby and then closes again. I am on daily Valtrex and Lysine & use lube and nothing works. It's been going on a month and a bit and I'm very depressed and too afraid to have sex which is impacting on my relationship. I'm obsessing and researching and failing to find anything that will help me.

  9. Hi there, First post for me. I have HSV1 genitally but hadn't had an outbreak for over 4 years until last month. 1 tiny tear. I'm guessing due to low immunity & stress. Very annoying! I've always been on supressive Valtrex. Upped the dose after Dr confirmed it was an OB. So I wait for it to heal (which happened very quickly, within a few days) but wait 2 weeks till all things looked perfect & I felt good. I have sex with husband and it re opens. GRRRR! Heals within a day or 2, wait 2 weeks. Use lube, still on high dosage of Valtrex and re opens AGAIN! I am so depressed and frustrated and I get more worked up and insecure and scared to have sex. I am very depressed. I take Lysine & Valtrex and use lube and I'm at my lowest point right now. I'm afraid I will never be able to have sex again.

  10. Hi ya, has anyone any updates about this. I'm experiencing this too and I'm very depressed. Every time I let the 1 lesion heal, we have sex and it opens again. It's annoying. I am on daily valtrex and I take Lysine & try and eat well, sleep well, blah blah and nothing. I'm so upset right now. Nothing helps. No amount of lube helps. I'm convinced I will never be able to have sex again.

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