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Posts posted by alllgood

  1. I just posted about a friend of mine recently diagnosed who has one sore from his initial outbreak that doesnt seem to fully heal... it gets better then after a week gets worse again... I'm not sure if it's his immune system but he's a healthy guy. I am looking for answers to this as well. 

  2. I have yet to find that person. But you guy make me feel like it’s possible. I hate these herpes dating sites bc it feels as tho I’m thrown into a dating pool of the rejected and. I want to find someone the natural way like I would have but I’m so scared to just let them I’m all the way bc of this. Maybe I start out as friends/casual and if we really hit it off just say it? But for me. I never know I’m head over heels for a guy until after all of that and the intimacy, maybe I’ve been doing it wrong. Lmao. I just feel like it’s hard to find forever without being intimate and you can’t be intimate without spilling the beans?  


    I want to know, for the p with success in this process, were they always ppl you would’ve gone for anyway or did you feel like you settled or downgraded??? 

  3. On 4/21/2019 at 11:33 AM, Lovenhope said:

    Don't mean to always be the negative one in here, as there are so many people enjoying their life even with H. just curious how people let go of the anger. I've had this now since November and am continuously anxious and angry about life. I contracted it through a sexual assult so I get that plays a big part of this. I'm so angry at myself for even giving that person a chance, angry at science because how is it even possible there isn't a cure for this yet in this day in age, angry that this is the one thing holding me back from fully opening up and being with someone I really care about because I know he won't be able to see past it. He brings up being a germaphobe often. I'm in counseling because of this and because of suicidal thoughts all because this . Even though "it's not a big deal, it's a skin rash, there a worse things to deal with in life, there will be people who accept it". All of those things just make me even more upset and angry because none of that crap matters when the world is only focused on the stigma. "The stigma is worse than H itself"  sure,  but that stigma is what has made me have suicidal/negative life to for 6 months now. Don't know how to get my life back. 😞

    I have had it for a year now, and still find myself being a pessimist scared of life and love because of it. I too contracted it in an awful way. I was drunk taken advantage of, and the guy didn’t use a condom or tell me anything before or after... barley remember the night. I find myself scared to even open up to ppl bc I don’t want to fall for them and then not know how to get past this part of me so I’ve kept to myself a lot besides causal hook ups. I started abusing a lot of drugs after the fact and am still trying to get off Xanax for my panic and anxiety due to this. My first step is def getting my life together physically, and hopefully mentally, but once I do that, I still don’t see my depression over this going away. I’ve always sucked at dating and am a very pretty girl, just always been scared of getting close and now it’s even worse. I feel like I’m going to just die alone with only a career to hold to my name. I’m reading a lot about ppl being more selective and I can’t tell if I’m doing that, or honestly just pushing everyone away in general because I’m scared to death. I’ve been in and out of counseling since and should prob go back but it’s better to hear from ppl in the same shit. I’m now 22, about to graduate, and idk where life is gonna take me. I just hope I learn this self love and get healthy like others say and make the best of the situation I can at some point. I find it so hard to believe that guys are completely 100% accepting but maybe they are, just not the ones I’ve found? Please message me to talk. I’ve been in and out of depression over this a lot and have done so much researching it makes me crazy. Maybe we can find a common ground as to the reality of this shit and move on together 

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  4. The stats my funk and many others have given me are 4% transmission rate from female to make when no condom or antiviral use, 1-2% with just antiviral and no condoms, 2% just condoms, and around 1% while using both. This is usually female to male, while male to female is a percent or so higher each from what I recall bc it’s easier for women to contract, my advice. Take those stats as they are mostly accurate and can ease your mind to an extent but also explain them to a partner and make sure to do what they feel most comfortable w, and same with you 

  5. On 8/4/2018 at 4:50 PM, Sumshine said:

    It's been my experience (had this for decades) and Terri Warren (a herpes expert) also explains that herpes doesn't shed through thick skin areas such as thighs, abdomen and buttocks (provided you are not broken out there)....the skin is just too thick for the virus to come through.

    I have also been told even tho my outbreaks have spread from the primal site from time to time, if there’s no open sore in those areas you aren’t shedding from those areas. It’s usually transmitted thru thin skin/mucous membranes 

  6. I think he stopped and telling you including the first place shows a lot of character. Sometimes it gets hard to say it and things move fast went you feel a connection, but the fact that she had the conscious to stop when she knew it would be a possible risk/problem is great. Also, my funk told me taking antivirals for a year straight would not only lessen outbreaks but my shedding in general... however I’m startimg lean toward a holistic route once I get my shit together bc I’ve read many studies of curing (maybe ridiculous) but if not curing, Changing people’s experience more efficiently. I’ve seen proof of lower viral loads and symptoms when people have done raw/organic cleanses for months without taking any meds to interfere, so could be something to look into but you have to be committed and expect it to be around 2-6 months depending on body condition at the moment and your commitment. My gynecologist told me the same stats someone else said up there while including with antiviral but no conforms is a 1-2% chance so still very low and definitely worth considering for the time being. Especially if condoms are an annoyance... I think taking antivirals now until you find better options is the safest and leave less anxiety on you both for your current situation. The guy I contracted from (didn’t tell me) but he definitely had no outbreaks or anything but I wasn’t educated enough to know about the shedding... but I learned my lesson. Even if I used a condim there was a major change I could gotten it bc male to female is higher and he def wasn’t on meds 

  7. On 2/28/2019 at 12:26 AM, TequilaGirl said:

    Since my diagnosis (8 monthis ago) i have been experiencing a considerably increase of discharge and still don't know why. I have asked my gyno and she says it's a bacterial infection so she gave me meds and it worked for like a week and the the discharge came back. I have been researching and some people says it's bc of H and others say that maybe is hpv. I KNOW. WTF?!... Since i read that i've been panicking and thinking that's the reason eventho i don't present any kind os symptoms besides that one, but honestly idk. I would recommend you to get a pap smear, in there yo can discart that one and if you have a infection there should pop up 🙂

    I also have had extremely abnormal discharge in the past like 4 months or so... I was diagnosed a year ago and didn't have this problem until an outbreak. But now it seems like its all the time... I hope to god its not hpv.... thats all i need

  8. I have yet to ever disclose and it's been a year.... So more power to you for your bravery first of all because I will never get to that point of openness with this. I genuinely envious, I just don't have the self esteem for it. So reading this, made me sort of validate myy horrible feelings of myself, but also, fuck this guy! You sound like an awesome person and this seriously pisses me off. People like that are the reason people like me feel the need to hide away. I'm so sorry this happened to you, but at least you're not alone in his insult, he insulted every single one of us on this forum, we're all in it together. 

    I hope some day soon I have the courage to disclose to someone I truly like and trust and it ends up working out. 

  9. On 9/19/2018 at 9:17 AM, organicmama said:

    Hey, I'm going to start this diet tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes. 

    How did it go?? i never went the full diet route just yet bc its so demanding in college and having a social life... but my dad just set me up with the best equiiptment for it..... going to use jjames and others recipes and follow the guidelines. ive startedd slow... eating healthier and gym.... sometiimes supplements. but soon im going to make the full transition for a month or two and see how it goes. 

  10. I knwo that was confusing but if you understand it slightly I hope it helps haha. its hard to explain without naming names. but basically i did what you did I knew/but I didnt know..... and I feel guilty bc truly i did and the signs were there and thats why I tried avoidding it but then I was like well the doctor hasnt confirmed and maybe these arent really the signs...... no way they are. 

  11. I can realte to this on some level I guess. I was messing around in college and had a few different guys i fooled around with at the time of the contraction, but it was very obvious who it was due to the time of receiving symptoms after one (guy 1), not having sex with the other guy (guy2) for 2 weeks ish before (would've had symptoms by then) and the third guy (guy 3) being later i the week when I first contracted it but didn't have full blown symptoms. would've been impossible to get the symptoms that quickly after the second guy that week and maybe even the first (guy 1) but my body some how just felt dirty the second we had sex and from then on... Idk how to explain. hope you kept up if not just . bare with me lol i know its confusing. anyway I swear Ii started getting my symptoms within 48 hours of guy 1 which would've been 24 hours after guy 3, and the symptoms presented themselves as UTI and BV (which I had mutliple times weeks before that). I was in denial while at the same time a hypochondriac and just knew, and went to the doctor with my roommate that weekend once I started having trouble peeing, was still sick, and got the courage to look down inside and saw what looked like lesions. anyway, those lesions were tested but my results didn't come back right away and one doctor said it looked very likely and the other said it could still be my BV along with extreme yeast infection (i used to get horrible ones as a kid and thought it was herpes once when i hadnt even kissed a boy). so I took that as it was, knowing it was prob H but was also like in complete denial... and continued to be for months but we'll get to that. Anyway, I ended up having sex with guy 2 who I hadnt in awhile but it was after a very drunken, drug involved night, due to circumstanes. and I tried to avoid hiim coming near me all night from what I could remember but couldnt tell him why and then I ended up waking up the next morning realiziing what I had done and had a whole panic episode. because at this time my symtpms got very obvious and I igot a call later that day about the tests even though I full well knew at this point. anyway i was praying to god that soome miracle I didnt give it to him even tho you are most likely to shed to someone near primary ob, early on in the virus, not yet taking meds (bc they werent sure), and well I still had symptoms that felt like a yeast infection. Took awhile to lead up to this, but I ended up getting eaten alive by guilt but didnt want to say anything jsut in case and just checked up on him every couple days.... the first time being 1-2ish days later where he replied he was feeling really sick and think he caught something. my stomach dropped and my roomate was next to me and shes the type thats like i wouldnt tell anyone I mean its basically nothing like who cares blah blah blah... he prob didnt get it you overreact.. but I have anxiety disorder and popped my xanax becuase i couldnt fathom the thought of giving this to him especially jsut learning about how im going to deal with it myself. anyway.... he slowly stopped talking to me and got a gf a month or so later so I thought ok maybe im in the clear. 2 weeks ago at the bar he came up to me and jokingly said I know something, and I go what and he smiled and goes hoenstly its not a big deal idc, and I said what (playing stupid but more to see if he would say it) and he made a joke and walked away and we kinda talked after but he didnt even care to bring it up. So I'm back to feelin pretty guilty but honestly a little envious he is so cool about it when iim so not and he has a long lasting girlfriend.... Assuming he told her? maybe not bc everyone here talks?? idk anyway. I've done the same dumb shit... I went on to slightly do it again except thiis time i made the insinuation I may have it (i know stupid I just havent made it to the disclosure step even in a year yet.) and I knew he had it through close friends of his, so I thought... well if hes not sayiing shit neither am i. But yeah.... I think I need to take a step back and start loving myself again without the herpes thought in mind.... stop trying so hard to figure out the herpes situation and iinstead figure out my life and my best self, physically and mentally.... then maybe I can battle the H. Ii know its not easy, but hoenstly I'm not happy with myself before I even caught it.... I need major changes. anyway i hope this makes you feel less guilty. I still have a guiilty conscience with it but im glad we oddly cleared the air and both moved on without any issues. makes me feel ill find someone that will accept it before hand and itll all be good. 

  12. This thread gave me hope with or without vaccines, and showed me there are ways around it transmission wise. also helped me feel better about my ethical stand point bc I feel this forum is always HUGE on always disclosing but my gyno also said that I shouldnt have to with casual sex and anti virals and other pracautions as they have more of a chance gettinig it from someone else. Idont wanna go around lying anymore and i need to work on that self acceptance but this always encourages me to get there, bc this type of talk proves how minor this issue is and how possible it can be to manage. LETS FIND THE CURE..... or just the self love that overpowers the virus all in all 

  13. On 10/2/2018 at 7:43 PM, Jane M said:

    @tomorrow @happyman_adventurous

    I am grateful for conversations such as this while I come to terms with this. I am not saying I'm "cured", but if people can be cured of hepatitis C and HIV, there is no way there can't be a way to cure this. I am 2 months into this and have come to a much better place than before. I just don't want to stop taking the valacyclovir because I've already had an outbreak and am under a tremendous amount of stress. I'm not going to poke the sleeping bear so to speak. The western blot will be the end all, and I will happily share it. At this moment, I love seeing those numbers decline so rapidly and I love feeling whole again. This really broke my spirit. I am also struggling with the disclosure. I have a casual sex partner that I have been with twice since being diagnosed. I could not bring myself to tell him, I told him I may have been "exposed".  I know this is a lie and I know it is wrong, but my infectious disease doctor said in a casual relationship with valtrex and condoms, I did not need to disclose as the rate of transmission was so low. My hand to God the physician told me this. I do feel very frustrated that people with hsv 1 don't have to disclose , and that 80% of the people with hsv 2 can happily run around not knowing they have it and continue to transmit (or not). I am really struggling with this and the whole "ethics" of it. I care deeply for the man I have been with since and do not want to infect him. I am struggling with all of this and doing the best I can. I've stopped him from performing oral sex on me as well. I told him I don't feel comfortable until I know for sure...again, I know this is a lie. I am sorry for it and it conflicts with my moral compass. I still have bad days with this and I am human. There is a lot of debate on disclosure. Also, what do you guys think about the person I believe infected me??? I've read so many stats on this...do you guys think there is any way a guy who has been with at least 100 women could NOT be infected??? I think this is not possible, and he has dragged his feet to get tested. 


    wow you took these thoughts out of my head... I did the same.. told my ex "i think ive been exposed I need to retest" but we ended up not working anyway. the ethics part fucks me up bc technically me taking my antivirals, and all precautions makes me less of a threat than the next 1/5 girls they sleep with next... Becasue of assymptomic carriers and people who are careless. 

  14. 15 hours ago, Lonelygirl88 said:

    I want live people too. I just moved to a different state and so I know no one..it sucks and I did find a live support group but it is like an hour and half away from me uggh of course it would be. For me though, I'm ready to be single for a while.. getting diagnosed with this has made me hate sex and no want it anymore  .. being in a realtionship which yes I understand, it was just a shitty one , but being in it made things stressful,and depressed, and angry... I was more stressed then I was happy and that is sad. I mean if a man comes falling into my lap the great I'll take him but I'm definitely not going to be looking or anything. I have become unhappy with myself for years before h and now I am becoming even more unrecognizable to myself. I am going to try to make myself happy now... Do what ever the hell I want and not have to answer for nothing. Ya I'll miss sex sometimes but look where sex has gotten me.. sorry for my rant lol 

    I honestly think this is my main problem. It's been a year for me and im still depressed and haven't gotten back out there, but the problem is the sex and relationships I had previously in addition to having H. I've always struggled with self love and my only relationship was mentally abusive and draining. when it ended I was just getting into the college scene and back to my happy self (as happy as I ever was... not ever fully), and I had a lot of sex. Being diagnosed has made me hate sex and all of these things, but I get sad because even though, I know I need to focus on my future and not guys at this moment, I wish I had hope for when the time comes I'll be able to disclose and accept myself. I really wanna go out and have sex but the thought of it is terrifying because I feel like it led me to the darkest part of myself. I completely feel you on this lol. 

  15. On 1/7/2019 at 6:14 PM, Lstgryl said:

    I just can’t stop crying. I don’t even leave my home unless it’s for work. People always ask why im single or try to hook me up with mutual friends. I don’t know how to tell them why I no longer date. I’m not strong enough to handle this 

    I officially a year into this and still feel this exact same way. Idk what to do. My mental health is so far gone because of this idk where to turn. I haven't been with anyone in a year and I can only talk to my mom about this. Even one of my best friends who I told it was really likely I had it, I later told her i didn't because of how differently she treated me. It's worse because she didn't even mean to, and was actually trying to be supportive but it wasn't at all. She brought up being scared to get it, and talked about making dating sites for just herpes positive people. I know that was her trying to be positive and tell me or whoever we aren't alone and other people have it to date. But the thing that she validated was that she and really no one wants to date someone with it, and I guess that I have to find someone else that is settling??? I don't want this to define me, and this site always talks about it not defining us. if it wasn't though, why the hell are there sites and support groups and people even talking about that. it just should be. the people telling me that this isn't a big deal, it feels as though they're trying to reassure themselves too, which isn't all that reassuring. I constantly find myself lying about this part of me in daily situations where it'll be generally brought up, or when people ask about my sex life. like I can't have one, why bother. Sorry for the dark,  negative rant, and I hope no one takes offense to this. This is just the thoughts that go through my head that keep me from moving on. basically, I can't see it happening.. So what now? 

  16. On 1/7/2019 at 7:27 AM, Ishmael said:

    Was your transmission a one off or from someone that you had sex with more than the one time? Studies have shown that the incubation timeline of the virus is at least 48 hours, and the literature seems very firm on this. So the question becomes are you a statistical anomaly or did you experience what are very commonplace symptoms from something else that happened to segue with your primary outbreak and could have helped exacerbate it. Or possibly you contracted herpes earlier and the sex simply helped trigger an outbreak? Even if you did experience prodome in the first 48 hours, which seems possible I guess, the OP is talking about onset in the first 24. That would be radically atypical, not just a bit fast/early. Like how would the virus even get to the nerve in the base of his spine and then back again to start triggering prodome in a single day? That would be wild. That said, I'm not  healthcare professional or an expert, just someone who reads about this. 

    Also, if I were him, I'd listen to my healthcare professional and not people, like me, on an internet forum. I'd also get tested and practice safe sex with my wife until I could get tested 12 weeks after my last exposure, but that's a wise move regardless of the symptoms given that he's had sex with other people of late. 

    I completely agree, which is why I didn't believe i had it until I got tested. I also was just posting my experience, wasn't telling him to not listen to a doctor. But I actually contracted it during a one night stand and I don't believe to have had it before since I got tested specifically for it multiple times within that year or so and nothing like this occurred. Thanks for your input from the research you've done, very interesting. 

  17. On 12/29/2018 at 2:22 AM, antifragile said:

    HPV and HSV-1 positive here. Your story sounds a lot like mine 6 years ago. I was loving the casual dating life and very happy with many aspects of my life.

    After I contracted these I took it really hard and thought I could never tell anyone. The shame was just too overwhelming.

    It took me a year and a half before I told a girl I started seeing. She didn't accept it but I did tell her which made it easier to tell the next girl I started seeing. Casual dating does become more difficult with this situation but suprisingly few care if it's a more serious thing. I'm in a longterm relationship nowadays.

    I've noticed that hsv isn' really the biggest problem here. It's the shame that you feel about it. I went through a long depressive period from which I'm still recovering. HSV will not destroy your happiness but shame can. When you feel deep shame for a long period of time it will start to affect your mental well being. Feeling shame is also one of the most stressfull things to your body as it keeps up your cortisol levels. This will start slowly eating away your physical health.

    That's what happened to me and I was really burnt out a year ago. I'm better now but I didn't get better until I started really dealing with the shame I felt.

    I know it's difficult, almost impossible, to open up about this in the beginning. But you really should. You need to deal with shame head on otherwise it will eat you up and it can really destroy your life. It almost did for me. If you can't talk about this to a friend, talk to a psychologist.

    I know this wasn't the most uplifting post but it's something I wish I was told years ago. I lost five years of my life to shame because I was too afraid to deal with it. I hope you can learn from my mistakes.

    Time doesn't heal all wounds. Sometimes you need face your fears and grow to go forward. That's how it was for me. 

    I hope it's easier for you.


    Thanks for this... I need to figure out how to get ahold of the shame an depression thats eating away at me. Hopefully I can sooner than later. 

  18. On 12/24/2018 at 10:43 AM, newtothis22 said:

    Six months ago I had the best life, living in London with loads of friends and big on the dating scene. I was seeing someone who was shortly leaving so that relationship was fizzling out and at a party I met someone else. We instantly clicked and I felt a massive connection so we began seeing each other until my fixed term job contract came to an end and I had to move away. But we stayed in touch and met up since we were waiting until September when we'd be living closer again. Between this time I developed possible herpes symptoms so I told both her and the girl I was seeing before, they both got checked and the girl from before was told she may have herpes. She had a blood test which came back indeterminate but was told this showed recent exposure which could only be from me. However when I was checked they told me the symptoms weren't herpes and wouldn't do a blood test. I still felt that if she eventually comes back positive then it must be me so I am an asymptomatic carrier.

    I had to tell the current girl I was seeing and she was understanding until I was forced to admit there was a slight overlap in dating between both girls. I didn't meant for it to happen but it's just the way it was and after explaining she did forgive me and understand. But I was going through a hard time with other things too and eventually she put an end to things. Looking back at the messages I don't think she wanted things to end and I should've fought harder for her but with everything going on I just let her go.

    After a terrible month of feeling like I'd lost everything and had no future, the first girl's latest blood test came back negative. She told me the first test must've been in error so I had no reason to believe I carried the virus. Around the same time the girl I lost sent me a friendly message to see how I am and at this point I should've won her back. But instead I was so pleased to be clean and was heading to University soon I decided to leave it for the time being. When I got to University I went out a lot, posted a lot over social media with other girls and got back on the dating scene. Then one night I got really drunk and slept with someone unprotected, a few days later symptoms appeared, white heads, rashes and general irritation. I went to the clinic the following week and they found a genital wart, I was devastated. I now have to live with HPV and probably herpes with the sex triggering an outbreak since I've had pretty much every symptom minus actual blisters. I will do a blood test in the new year and find out for certain. 

    I feel that I've lost my shot of happiness all because I wanted to carry on the casual lifestyle that I didn't even enjoy. I had my second chance in September and I blew it so now I'm facing the reality of living with two incurable STI's. I'm only 22 yet I've lost the only girl I've ever felt a proper connection with and I can't see anyone ever wanting to be with me again. I'm not looking forward to 2019 because all I feel that is ahead is pain, when girls show an interest all I can do is turn them away because I'm too ashamed to tell them and I can't see that changing. 

    Sorry for the long winded message but I would appreciate having someone to talk to so feel free to message me or post a reply. 

    Im 21 in college and experienced a similar situation. I got my diagnosis around 8-9 months ago and I still am struggling with the shame, depression, and denial of it. I'll find myself as happpy as ever until I encounter a guy I have a crush on or a situation where I would usually pursue something with a guy and I just completely shut down. I've found myself even avoiding guys I've been into for years and couldnt be with due to past relationships. I feel like no one is ever going to accept it, or if they do, they're going to think about that every time we have sex which is so unappealing. Idk what to do

  19. Hi, I'm a college student and I was also diagnosed recently, around 8 months ago. I am still in major depression and denial about all of this. Idk how to manage relationships, and I feel like theres always people talking about how gross haviing it is infront of me and its like a constant reminder of how gross it is to most people. I kind of need someone to talk to as well, so maybe we can talk?

  20. On 1/5/2019 at 9:58 PM, Ishmael said:

    Getting symptoms in the first 48 hours isn't just rare, it's unheard of. Nothing about what you are posting here indicates herpes and it's more likely you have some hypochondria mixed with guilt/shame. The best way to avoid herpes is to stay in a committed relationship with a monogamous partner when you're both negative. 

    I actually had symptoms of what I thought was a UTI and possible BV within 48 hours, along with mild flu symptoms, and it ended up being my primary OB when I started getting lesions a day or two after that. 

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