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Posts posted by alllgood

  1. Honestly if you aren't feeling any symptoms at this time or within the next couple of days, I would say you're in the clear and to not even worry about it. You either don't have it, or won't be able to get an accurate test for months and I'm sure your doctor would recommend not testing if no symptoms as to not cause harm to you emotionally. 

  2. So ever since I've been diagnosed my health anxiety, which has always been bad,  has gone through the roof. I was hooking up with my ex this weekend but didn't want to take it too far because I'm not sure how I feel about reconnecting and I was nervous about having an outbreak since I was just on my period. So we basically just made out but there was also "dry humping" and whatever else involved and at one point his penis touched my butt skin-to-skin contact and he also touched me down there over the pants before touching himself. I was wondering if there is a possibility that he could've gotten it from me in that way? There was no touching straight to my vagina only kind of near and my buttocks for a second before I moved. He has been sick ever since the first night we hooked up, however, I've been feeling under the weather as well and we were up all night drinking all weekend. Sorry for the descriptions, didn't know how else to explain this lol. Please let me know I'm extremely nervous about this. I just worry because I know i have an an outbreak go up my buttocks and thighs and even though he might not have directly touched one maybe its still possible? 

  3. Hi,

    I'm 21 and in college going through a very similar situation. I was diagnosed around 3 months ago but I'm still having trouble coming to terms with it. In regards to your latest question, it is possible he has HSV1 genitally and passed it through shedding the virus, or he could've given it to you if you had oral sex. HSV1 from what I believe I have read, tends to have less outbreaks genitally, but I'm not sure if it's the strain of the virus or just how each persons' body reacts to the virus. Were you tested via swab culture or blood test to get this diagnosis? 

  4. On 7/17/2018 at 5:56 PM, Anon85 said:

    I broke up with my ex of over 5 years in late January. Started seeing someone casually but it ended up getting quite serious  and this person ended up giving me HSV2 (after lying to me that we were monogamous and persuading me not to use condoms) - big life lesson for me... I saw my ex, whom I have a lot of history with, shortly before being diagnosed and told him I hadn’t been seeing anyone since we broke up (I don’t know why I lied, I just did). After being diagnosed I kind of fell off the map but he’s continued to pursue me and keep in touch. I just don’t know how to go back to him and disclose this new “friend” I’m bringing with me into the relationship. Or if I really want to be with him, or if I just feel like more comfortable trying to work things out with him vs meeting someone new. So I can understand how you feel 

    This is my exact situation right now, and I really can't figure out how I feel. I don't really know what to do with myself, and I don't know how to tell him or if I even should and pursue anything. What do you think you're going to do? How old are you?

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  5. It helps hearing replies from people going through the same situation as me and my age... I know I need to just get over it, but hearing how other college kids and the world in general talk about it can really get me down. Like I'll be fine and then someone will make herpes a punchline of a joke or sound like the end of the world, or I get an outbreak, and I just feel so awful. I'm going back to my doctor this week to get an actual blood test and ask for advice on how to manage. I was avoiding this since my diagnosis a few months ago I guess I was still in denial. Wish you all luck, and you can message me to talk whenever! I know I need to. 

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  6. Thank you! I feel like ever since my diagnoses I've been thinking too much about everything and feel so insecure. It's crazy how much people talk around here, that's why I'm nervous to disclose... I have heard about so many people I know having it, but you never know if it's just talk or not and it makes me feel so insecure about people finding out about me. I even had a friend say to me he other day she is so worried about catching it and she would rather die, and I had to sit there and act like it didn't bother me at all. I am definitely going to take a step back and see how I feel, because I really think I might just be lonely and scared and shouldn't string him along. I feel so much better talking to someone else about this, I felt like I was going crazy since the only people that know in my life don't have it and can't relate. I appreciate the reply, and wish you luck with everything!

  7. Hi! So I'm 21 and going into my senior year of college and totally understand how you feel. I was partying and experimenting after my horrible break up with my first love right before my sophomore year. After being a complete idiot I finally slowed down and was only hooking up with one guy for a little while that I was friends with and I ended up getting HSV2 from him. I actually got it right before spring break and my 21st, so my spring break trip wasn't as fun as i wished. I feel so lost and alone and I've found myself contacting my ex who wants to get back together and I don't even know if its what I want or if its this diagnosis I'm avoiding coping with. I guess I don't really have any answers for you, but I I wanted to offer my situation and struggles so we both feel less alone. I have told my mom and two of my best friends which helped but it isn't the same as being accepted by a significant other, and I'm so scared for that part to come. If you're heading to college it's going to be hard, but I know many people in college have it as well, they just hide it like i am, hence how I probably got it (though I don't plan to expose someone without letting them know). The worst part is I was doing pretty good just not talking to my ex and being independent, getting healthy, and focusing on my future instead of partying and hanging out with guys, and now I'm more confused about if I want to be with him and what I want. I also just experienced my second outbreak because I got sick with a fever, that piled on top of my friend messaging me saying she would rather die than get herpes were just the icing on the cake.... Anyway you're not alone, let me know if you need to talk. 

  8. I'll start out by saying I'm 21 and in college, and my diagnosis for hsv2 was given to me about 3 months ago. I went through a rough break up after my freshman year in college and discontinued all contact with my ex until about a week ago. While I was going through my break up I started to catch up on all of the partying I missed as a first year, including experimenting with other guys. I definitely was not smart about it but I was lucky to have not caught hsv until I decided to chill out and only hook up with one guy I was pretty good friends with. It has been rough for me to see the silver lining in this, though the success stories have helped me, and knowing a few people with it in loving relationships, I'm still sort of in denial and frustration. I got positive shortly after and wanted to workout and diet to change my life for the better but I started falling into a deep depression, missing out on college events but then going to only feel gross compared to all of the girls around me. I am now catching up with my ex, who I do find that I miss as a person a lot, but I can't help but wonder if I'm just lonely and settling because I think it'll be easiest to open up to him rather than someone I barley know/barley knows me? We've been talking and its great but I find certain things still bother me about him and I don't know if he's really changed and got his life together and honestly, I don't know if I dated him in the first place because of a similar situation (when we first started dating he had been after me for years and then after I got into an accident and lost teeth and shattered my jaw and was insecure for months I ended up dating him, though he did become my first love). I should probably talk to a therapist but I just wanted to know if anyone has gone through something similar or has any insight for me? I'm so confused on what I want, I almost don't even want a boyfriend going through my last year in college and heading into a career but I'm not sure if thats the only thing holding me back from it, or if the diagnosis is the only thing pushing me towards it. Let me know your thoughts... Also, I'd like to hear from some people closer to my age that have recently been diagnosed and how they're coping, because I have turned into a nightmare with my anxiety and depression issues. I even go through days where I swear I spread it to my mouth (idk if I already had it there), my eyes, and my hands... I'm going crazy and feel so lost and lonely and now I'm rambling. 

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