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Everything posted by Uklad

  1. Yes but the chances are very low I think off the top of my head I you use condoms, use anti virals and avoid sex when you have a outbreak I think it’s about 2% chance don’t quote me on figures, to put that in perspective there is a 1.8% chance in getting killed in a car accident
  2. Hi everyone, got diagnosed recently iv seen some great disclosure videos on YouTube and figured out my talk practised saying it and pretty comfortable with it. Anyway met a girl who pretty much ticked all my boxes. Iv built up the disclosure courage. Got all my statistics and everything ready but I’m curious as to how it’s gone for other people? Especially males disclosing to females. Thanks in advanced.
  3. No worries. Lysine, vitamin d and e, cod liver oil tablets. Anti viral if you can get some, anyone would think it’s crack cocaine here in UK fuss they kick up about it. Hot baths as well work well.
  4. Tough one, I think if his girlfriend knows all about it and she is accepting 1. She’s a keeper and 2. She’s a adult who can make her own decisions, she will be aware of risks. My advice would be try some kind of exercise that helped my anxiety, eat healthy and take health supplements to boost immune system. Avoid triggers mine are alcohol and chocolate. Some counselling might not be a bad idea too. Support group could be good too. Hes not alone there are millions of us around the world. There will be loads of guys at his college with the same health condition It’s not easy but I try to think of it as this, I’m still amazing, I’m still good at football and I’m not going die from it, it’s a small bump in the road. Having herpes is misunderstood having it is normal 70% of people have it. Oh id recommend you tubing Ella Dawson and Laureenhd.
  5. Hi, just after some advice really. I met the girl of my dreams a few years back we stayed friends for years she went and joined navy had a partner through that time that gave her herpes. We met up drinks got flowing one thing left to another we ended up sleeping together without protection my bad as well as hers. The phrase ‘at this point I knew I’d fucked up’ probably doesn’t do it justice. We carried on seeing each other for a couple of months then she told me she had herpes by this point I’d already took risks I thought I may have just been lucky and decided to use protection carry on. I’m really understanding around health and was the perfect person you can imagine disclosing too. Anyway since as time went on she went back to her ex that gave her herpes which hurt so we split up. About three months after we split started with blister like marks on my penis. Went to STD clinic did a full panel test clear for everything told them my ex had herpes but they did nothing to swab even though I told them showed where the small marks were. The NHS in the UK won’t do blood test and our charity for advice actively discourage it due to false negatives. I’m just a bit of a loss what to exactly do now. I have seen 6 different experts at the clinic and they told me to go to my gp to run other tests. Told them all about the situation. I have noticed if I eat badly marks appears or I masturbate daily but the doctors say it looks nothing like herpes, I’m pretty sure it is I’m prepared for the bad news and I’m going to smash it either way. Has anyone had this situation before and do you have any advice? My next step is to ask to be referred to NHS to urology. Any help is greatly appreciated,
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