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Posts posted by MissGuided

  1. On 1/16/2019 at 10:47 AM, H2018 said:

    Thanks for the reply. I actually got a biopsy done yesterday at the dermatologist, so I’ll see what the results are in 1-2 weeks.

    Still experiencing significant pain in my genital region. At this point I just want something to come back positive, herpes or not, so I can put all my energy into treating that one thing and eventually move on.

    I’d be interested in updates if you plan on getting tested at 6 months post exposure. This is my first encounter with a potentially serious medical issue and all of the misinformation out there is alarming. I wish there was a single source of truth for false negative rates for igg testing by weeks after exposure.

    Out of curiosity, what did they biopsy? I’m still having issues as well, and testing negative. A random rash that seems to come and go within hours, but chronic, daily, and just itching. They’re starting to think allergy but no clue as to what it would be. It’s all alarming as well. I’ve been to that same point. Just tell me it’s something so I can quit feeling I’m going crazy and move on. 

  2. 9 hours ago, H2018 said:

    Curious if you guys have continued to get tested and what the results were?

    I was tested (Igg) 2, 6, 12, and 18 weeks post exposure. I did take acyclovir for 1-2 weeks during that time period. Not sure if that can influence test results. All results have come back negative, but I continue to experience blister like bumps on my shaft for periodic periods of time. They don’t burst but I do experience genital pain.

    No doctor has suggested a swab since they don’t burst. I’m likely going to get retested at 6 months.

    Everything I’ve read suggest 12/16 weeks should be sufficient, but I’m at a loss for what else to get tested for to get rid of the pain.


    I would suggest a swab yourself. Don't let the doctor not suggesting a swab discourage you. Ask, and get one done. It will bring you peace of mind. I was tested at 2,4,6,8,10,12,14, and 16 (as of last week) and all have remained below 0.2 I still don't feel at peace, but I'm trying to start accepting things and move on. I still have a weird itchiness where all my pubic hair is on the front, and little red spots that look like freckles that come and go here and there after a couple hours, but no sores or anything typical you would expect. I'm at a loss as well, but I do trust the blood work and assume it must be something else at this point. 

  3. On 1/8/2019 at 2:36 AM, blurneworder said:

    I’m trying to believe it,  but the symptoms I have match herpes.

    Itchy, red bumps in groin.

    Brain fog, confusion,  headaches, hard time focusing and recalling information  (made worse by eating sugar)

    Tingling in the nerves of my hands, legs, and feet

    Lip constantly chapped and cut

    Small cuts on penis shaft with occasional peeling skin

    Constant itching in my anus

    Loss of hearing and a fullness of the ear

    Blisters on gums

    Tingling in lips

    Discoloration of penis glans

    Constant fatigue

    Eye pain and constant dry eyes.

    Itchy skin on butt checks 

    Red, sore skin on corners of lips.

    Constant  zits breaking out on forehead with certain spots of throbbing pain

    What about any of this does not scream herpes?

    While I will remain sympathetic with your concern, because I myself have them as well, and know the scarring, pease, for the love of Pete, or whomever, GO GET A WESTERN BLOT! Maybe then, when that comes back negative, you can emotionally move on. I know the more I let go, the better I physically feel, though symptoms still subside, mainly because I'm still constantly wondering. But I do believe the lab work. Again, GO GET A WESTERN BLOT AND MOVE ON FROM THIS PART OF YOUR LIFE! Said, with all the sympathy in my heart ❤️ 

  4. My iGG results at 16 weeks post are still negative.  Is it finally safe to say I don't have HSV2? Or should I continue to keep testing?  My results have remained the same every two weeks since 4 weeks after the exposure.  When would you feel you could move on from this?  Every time I see any sort of red area down below, I wonder if my labs are all wrong... I have a rash on my hand, which I think is just eczema from over hand washing now, and that gets me stressed.  I am not who I once was, any more, regardless if I can conclude these results negative or not.  In a weird way, I can say minus the full on hypochondriac that I've become, which sucks, I have taken a break mostly from dating, minus kissing here and there, haven't had sex in over 4 months (which surprisingly is a good feeling) and have become more aware that I have oral hsv1 and now understand things like, don't stick my fingers in my mouth and poke at them because that's what those canker sores I get are, and they're not just from the foods I ate.  I tell every person I have started to consider dating, before we kiss, that I could have mouth sores at some point, and feel better about understanding this all. But at the end of the day, negative HSV2 results... can I move on after 16 weeks or should I still be worried? Can a red spot down below finally just be a red spot, or ingrown hair, and not cause concern for full on panic and a doctors visit?? 

  5. On 11/26/2018 at 8:25 PM, Newbie123 said:

    Yep to the best of my knowledge my last test at the 12 week mark came back negative. How did yours go? 

    Wondering how you are doing? I just hit 16 weeks and am still negative for hsv2. Trying to emotionally move on from this, but it's rather hard. Also, has brought more light to the fact for me, that I have oral HSV1, that never really seemed to matter prior to this, and now I find every person I meet, before I kiss them, I let them know I could possibly have a mouth cold sore some day. I've only ever had them inside my lip before. 

  6. So did you have the test to confirm you are positive hsv1? Or to confirm you are negative for hsv2? Were you negative for both? I'm at 16 weeks, I have tested every 2 weeks since hsv2 exposure, and all my results for iGG have been negative, below 0.2 is all it says. My doctors have told me I'm negative, to accept it, and to move on with life. I haven't had any sores, just random symptoms, like itchy pubic area and random things here and there, but nothing traditional. I also didn't even have sex, just a lot of thigh rubbing... and naked cuddling, but I am still very stressed. Waiting for my 16 week results to come in tomorrow, fingers crossed they're the same as the last 8 tests I've had, and then I'm trying to decide if it's time to close this door. I know the typical iGG tests are only 92% positive, from what Terry has said. I wonder at times if I should just do the Western Blot, or if I am making a mountain... 

  7. 47 minutes ago, helpem? said:

    hello! i just saw this, its been a few weeks since this post and im still having the burning and tingling but still nothing, i havent been tested actually, i’ve been waiting to see if a cold sore has come but or if it would stop but nothing has come up and it hasnt stopped, there was a few days with no tingling at all but it just started again lollllll

    May i ask where your tingles are? All over or in one specific small place? 

  8. 4 hours ago, Elle27 said:

    I have a spot on my shin that flared up during my initial outbreak, three months later it’s almost healed up. Feeling for you on having it on your face. So sorry you’re dealing with that. Now that I know I have it, I’m trying to be more careful about spreading it some where else. Lots of hand washing with soap and water. 

    May I ask how you got it on your shin? Do you know? 

  9. 18 minutes ago, kvothe1878 said:

    Thanks for the reply. Have you ever had any cold sores? Did you find out you have HSV-1 via a blood test?  It looks like mine is a very old infection.

    When I look back, I think I've had 2 cold sores on my lip, in the last 14 years of knowing. They weren't even what looked to be cold sores, just a zit on my lip that lasted a couple days and had a scab, which I assumed was from picking at it. I would assume you have HSV1 in your throat, not hsv2. Do you have reason to believe it's hsv2? Was the person you had oral sex with hsv2 positive?

  10. 10 weeks post exposure and I’ve maintained a steady <.2 value for hsv2 (negative)  At what point can I start breathing a little? 12 weeks?  14 weeks? 16 weeks? 6 months from now?  When can I feel like I’m truly negative and move on with this part of my life?  I’m wondering if my being hsv1 positive is delaying the seroconversion for hsv2, or if I’m truly negative for hsv2.  Nothing has felt normal down below in a month.  Either way, I just want to accept an answer and move on with my life, but I’ve been so consumed by every tingle, mark, anything.  It’s changed who I am, the constant worry, and I’m exhausted. I was literally at the doctors yesterday, and then this morning, and let’s add I’m a dermatologist appointment in between there too.  Bla. Just Bla. Sorry, needed to vent that out. Opinions appreciated. 

    Also, i know google says 12-16 weeks. Guessing I can’t feel good at 10? Idk. I don’t know much anymore. 

  11. You could go and get it swabbed so you know for sure. I’ve only ever had two outbreaks on my lip, never genital, for hsv1, and mine looked like that. They were small and seemed just like a zit. I did the same thing, try to squeeze, and not much would come out but it would get bigger and more irritated and in general didn’t feel amazing... not awful though, no blistering, and from my picking, I would end up with a scab that would last a couple of days that I’d always cover up with makeup. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Newbie123 said:

    Yep to the best of my knowledge my last test at the 12 week mark came back negative. How did yours go? 

    Are you gonna test again beyond that? I don’t know yet, it will take 2-3 days for the labs to come back, which sucks. At my obgyn they only take a day and are in my email. Here, it takes longer, and I’m calling them before they have a chance to let me know, lol. I’m too impatient to wait, understandably, I’d think. 

  13. On 11/14/2018 at 2:42 AM, helpem? said:

    thats so strange, and swabs are most accurate right? if the spots were there when you got swabbed and its still negative, espescially since you’ve been testing for months maybe you really dont have it?? but as you said, you know yourself best. do the pimples seem like normal pimples or??? if its not on the genitals it could be a good sign? 

    im sorry that the girl did that to you, disclosing anything is hard but if she knew or suspected that she might have hsv she should have told you, thats just sucky. 

    for me thats what the doctors said, that it could just be in my head although this tingling started after the possible exposure. im a lowkey hypochondriac and i feel like it could be some psychostomatic symptom my brain is just making up along w the mysterious dots that disappear w/in a day but im just not sure, its just a huge whirlwind 

    You and

    i are very similar in symptoms, dots disappearing in a day, and tingling that’s constant... may i ask if you’ve tested positive for the virus? Out of curiosity. 

  14. 40 minutes ago, blurneworder said:

    Minus the arm pit pain (maybe I did have it and wasn't aware), I have the same red dots you do.

    And also, I know you said you’ve had lesions but can’t get in to the doctors in time before. I would also suggest if you are worried about time frame, that you order a kit or two online for home ice testing and that way the next time something pops up you can swab it yourself in time and find out what it is. That would also give you peace of mind I would think. 

  15. I was taking antidepressants last month and after several days I had this weird nerve tingling in my thighs so I quit taking them as it said they could be a side effect, and didn’t know if it was the meds or herpes related. The tingling went away. At the time it didn’t register as well that I was taking flagyl and it could be from that as well. Well, this week I started on flagyl again, and same day the tingling in thighs and groin started again. That’s when it clicked in I was on flagyl the last time I had the tingles. So I stopped taking it and am gonna talk to my doctor about it tomorrow. I try and find logic before panic in my symptoms, but most of the time I just go straight to panic. I test tomorrow for post 10 weeks. Trying to stay calm, as I know it’ll be Wednesday or Thursday before I have results. I’m at a point where i just always expect them to come back positive and am surprised when they’re not risen at all. We will find out what this week has in store for me. I can say this much though, if my nerve pain is related to H, it is SO uncomfortable. It’s been 3 days steady now with no sign of letting up. 

  16. 26 minutes ago, blurneworder said:

    Minus the arm pit pain (maybe I did have it and wasn't aware), I have the same red dots you do.

    Blurne, I don’t want to discredit your worry and anxiety, as I know and completely understand how you feel. But if you’re saying you have the same red spots I do, then possibly, maybe we both have them due to high stress and self induced psychosomatic spots. That almost makes me feel better, considering you’re still testing negative after a very long time. Also, that could say the same thing to you with all the other symptoms you have. I would take the negative labwork and be thrilled. Are you on antidepressants or anything? Anything for anxiety or stress? Maybe if you can calm your nerves in that sense, and quit worrying as much, maybe then the symptoms you’re having might go away? 

  17. 4 hours ago, Newbie123 said:


    I had a similar situation not too long ago where I was getting tested bi weekly right up until the 12 week mark. Personally, they didn't detect any of the virus in my blood on any of the tests. Although it is possible to be negative right up until the final week and turn positive after that, i think it's unlikely. Generally, 70% of people will show antibodies after 7/8 weeks if they have been infected, which quite frankly is a relatively high probability. That's from my reading of scientific journals, but unfortunately I can't cite my sources as I read em a while back. 

    Hope this helps 🙂

    So you’re still negative? 

  18. Maybe I'll have them do that then when I go in next. They've been really hesitant to start me on anything or do anything. Actually, my PA at my OBGYN that's been seeing me regularly there and knows everything, told me after my 7.5 week labs were negative, to move on and quit worrying about it. I said, but google says, and she said, we know, but you're fine. I want to believe her so much, too 😞

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