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Posts posted by MissGuided

  1. 3 hours ago, herpnerve said:

    Personally, this is how it showed up for me. I started having nerve pain (mostly right upper and Lower thigh and occasionally my crotch). I had always had a fear of getting herpes so right away assumed it may be herpes related. I also noticed red pin point dots on the “fatty area” (mons Publis) of my crotch area. They were never painful, never raised or have a yellow/white center, just itchy. My gyno doesn’t believe that these are my outbreaks because they don’t present “classically” and she says they may be from shaving. However, I would get them when not shaving for a few weeks and they were accompanied by a bit of itchiness and slight nerve pain. 

    I have HSV1 and perhaps it presents differently than HSV2 would. It’s not the end of the world!

    feel better! It’s not a curse 🙂 

    i got herpes after only having sex 7 times in my life (not 7 partners) 

    We’re you diagnosed by labwork with hsv1 or a swab? Just curious. 

  2. So, I keep having this weird pain, sensation, I can't put into words type feeling, in my thigh area and the front of my pubic area, where all the hair is. Not on to the major labia or anything, just up above. Also, I've had these red pin point dots that come and go, within a few hours or a day, always just in different random spots, never raised, never bothersome, minus knowing they're there. And then, there's been like a red rash that comes and goes as well... I don't get it. I've also noticed as of this morning that a tender spot in my armpit, guessing it's a swollen lymph node... not positive, but pretty sure. It doesn't look like herepes at all, but from what I've googled, basically anything goes when it comes to hsv2. I can't imagine what else this could all amount to, as I've never had these issues before. I test on Monday at post 10 weeks, but lab work thus far has been negative... 

    Does any of this sound like herpes to you? Do any of you have symptoms similar?? 

    I've been taking Flagyl the past few months, but only on and off, more like once a month since August. I know it says it can make pinpoint like dots and tinging/crawling sensations, but it would be doubtful it would be just in my area down below. 

    Any comments would be appreciated, as I could use the conversation of talking some sense into this and talking out it with somebody. I'm not mentally doing too well at the moment, with this constant worrying. 

  3. 6 hours ago, Pikachuhasherpes said:

    Doesn't sound like a herpes lesion to me hun. Definitely sounds like an ingrown hair!!

    Thanks! I’ll cross my fingers 😞 I keep having this pin point red dot rash kind of all over that comes and goes within a couple hours, no clue what that is, just dots, not raised or anything. So weird! And this uncomfortable sensation in general down there. Not sure if it’s all in my head and I’m just going insane or what. Could be possible. 

  4. Just curious, has anyone else tested weekly, or biweekly after being exposed, and if so, when did you turn positive? 

    I tested negative at 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 7.5 weeks, and I go on Monday for 10 weeks...

    wondering if my chances are high to change from 0.06 to anything in the last 2.5 weeks That have passed  

    im obviously very stressed and curious to see the results this coming Monday. I have a new “bump”, as of this morning, of course, and can’t get into my doctors office. It’s goign to be a very long weekend for me, as I can’t stop checking myself out in a mirror and worrying about this new bump. There is a hair coming out of it, and I’m not going to lie, I squeezed it, and hard white stuff came out, so I’m hopi g it’s just a follicle, but it seems too coincidental to be that easy :( it feels irritated, but I’m fully aware I messed with it. Should of left it alone. Ugh. 

    • Like 1
  5. Completely understand TequilaGirl, right there with you! I had a meltdown about cuddling next to somebody, fully clothed, after all of this. Talk about me being ridiculous. It’s traumatizing emotionally. But like I said, it’ll all be ok. Somehow we will all get through this, learn a new norm, live another day. 

  6. To me, that's a very high number, so I would assume it's from a past infection. I don't have all my values... but I know I was diagnosed at 19 with HSV1. I may of had it longer than that, my guess is from my parents, when I was a child. I do know my value at 32 years old was 2.4, and then September of this year was at 3.2, and November of this year it's now at 7.8... I've been under a lot of stress the last two months, worrying about possible contraction of HSV2, so that's why my doctors think it increased a bunch in a 2 month time span, although realistically, nobody really knows the "why"... hope this helps some?

    • Thanks 1
  7. 5 hours ago, blurneworder said:

    The corners of my lips get dry and irritated (red colored). I'm not sure I know what the hives look like you are describing. Do you have links to photos that look similar?

    I still have not tested positive, but I've scoured this forum and others, and found I have so many similar symptoms to those that have HSV. This all started after unprotected sex. I don't understand what else could cause herpes-like symptoms.

    Did your red spots start appearing after you had unprotected sex?

    I’ve read some of your posts... my question is, does the person you had  unprotected sex have hsv? 

  8. 1 hour ago, blurneworder said:

    Do you test positive for HSV 1?

    I do. That's how I found out when I was 19. I had no clue I had it, but had blood work done to be safe because I never had before, and there it was. I didn't get a cold sore on my lip until high stress 12 years later... I've only ever had 2 that I can recall, and they weren't even really blisters, more like a hive that on the corner of my lip that got crusty for what I thought was because I was picking at it. 

  9. On 11/6/2018 at 8:02 PM, herpnerve said:

    My break out actuallly looks similar to that but it’s more pink than red for me. They don’t hurt and aren’t raised at all but do itch occasionally. I have HSV1 and have a feeling that maybe that’s how HSV1 can present in some? My gyno was 100% sure I didn’t have herpes and then she tested me and I came back positive. Though she did a Pap smear for testing and did not test the actual sore (because like you, I don’t truly have a sore but just weird pink circles that don’t cluster)

    That's how mine present, they're more pink than red, and always disappear really quick and then show up randomly somewhere else like the other thigh or something. I've had HSV1 since I was young, I have only ever had two cold sores, on my lip, that I didn't even realize were cold sores until I looked back and really thought about it. So I don't think this would be GHSV1 related for me, although I know it's possible. My gyro and PA at my doctors office don't think I have hsv2, I tested at 7.5 weeks and it was still negative, at 0.06 value, but I'm not convinced and know it can change with a few more weeks. Although both my OBGYN and my PA have told me to move on with the negative result at 7.5 weeks. They say it's been long enough and it would at least start to elevate by now, that I need to move on and conclude I'm negative... I'll be going in next week to get tested again, lol. I love them, trust them, but google is google haha. 12-16 weeks is what the interwebz say, so I'll continue going crazy until then. 

  10. 32 minutes ago, Victory_in_Defeat said:

    I know exactly how you feel right now. Well, maybe not exactly. I was... "exposed" to someone who recently tested positive for HSV2. The exact same day they got the positive results, is when I begun to develop symptoms.

    I went to the doctor and he assured me that my symptoms were not herpes related.... though I still may have herpes. He ordered a blood test even though I knew it was too soon. Like you, I read what all the forums had to say about waiting AT LEAST 4-6 weeks. I waited for an extra week, but even then, this would have made it approximately 3 weeks since my exposure. The results came back negative.

    I'm currently playing the waiting game, and every red spot, itch, burn, ANYTHING sends me to the bathroom with the brightest flashlight I have, inspecting myself for these dreaded sores. I'm an Iraq ware veteran and I have to say, I have never been so stressed in my entire life.

    I will say, I've read the words of the toughest people I've never met on this forum. I really do hope the best for you. You've already passed milestones I have yet to get to lol.

    Thanks, yes we are in the exact same mentality, it sounds. I have had a mirror in the corner with a flashlight for weeks now. I bought a box of gloves and was constantly looking every day. One week, I went to the doctors 3 times 😕 

  11. I got tested at 7.5 weeks last week for hsv2 igg, and it was still at 0.06. Same as it was when I had labs done at 2 weeks and 4 weeks (I know, I’ve gotten tested a lot, don’t judge me, lol) I know I’m not out of the woods yet, and while it’s calmed me a little to know it hasn’t started elevating so far, I am still waiting for it to start going up. 

    I have hsv1 already, orally, have had it since I was 19. I know that this can also slow seroconversion, to have one form already. But does that mean it goes more slowly and would show like a week or so later, or months later, or whattttttt?! 

    Today, my throat is sore. This is what currently has me stressed out the most. I sit and wonder, is it just a sore throat, or is it related. 

    Mind you, I know I’m being ridiculous, i know i need to suck it up and test in a few more weeks, again, but I feel like I count every day until I can go and get lab work done again. I don’t know at what point negative lab work will even make me feel ok. I’m seriously a hypochondriac now  someone shook my hand today after saying hello, and I immediately ran to the bathroom to wash my hands, and am still thinking about it. Absolutely ridiculous of me, and yet I can’t seem to help it.

    My ob and my family doctor both told me that at this point, negative labwork at 7.5 weeks, I should quit worrying. I told them about my googling and that many reccoMend 12-16 weeks to be the quit worrying point, but they are insistent that I should relax and that I most likely will not seroconverse. 

    Ugh. I wish I could hibernate for the next few weeks. It is what it is, but it’s like, if it’s gonna be positive, just let me know now so I can accept it and move on. This constant worrying about every weird body ache or dot or sore throat, it’s killing me. I just want to feel like myself again. The constant worrying is changing me. 

    I kissed someone and about had a melt down that I could of gotten something from that. Ughhhhh. 

    Ok, sorry. Vent session over. Comments appreciated, I’d love the conversation and possibly some on-site to my levels, test ranges, and maybe just a little consoling. Thank you all for always being so supportive here. 

  12. On 11/11/2018 at 11:39 PM, blurneworder said:

    I understand where you are coming from with this.

    The feelings I have of fatigue, dizziness, fullness in my ears, itchy bum, itchy groin, red itchy scrotum, burning mouth, pain in eyes, nerve pain in hand and foot, and constant cuts on my lips and penis are definitely not in my mind.

    My body is going through something, and the symptoms I'm having match those felt by people with herpes. Again, all of this happened after unprotected oral and vaginal sex.

    I want you to be the correct one in this discussion, and if you are, I will tell you.

    Have you asked the girl you thought you caught this from to get tested, or has she already? 

  13. On 10/19/2018 at 4:33 PM, Ishmael said:

    At 4 weeks it's like 50/50 for antibodies, so it's not a good indicator. Sorry. At 8 weeks, you're looking more at 90% chance you have developed antibodies, but that 10% still means you'd need to get tested again at 12 weeks. 

    Hey there, I tested at 7.5 weeks and it was still 0.06 value, do you feel now that this is more a 90% chance of remaining negative? I’m still going to get checked at 12 weeks as well. 

  14. On 10/19/2018 at 3:57 PM, herpnerve said:

    Mine came back negative 8 weeks after exposure 

    swab test negative at 9 days post exposure but swab positive after 8 weeks

    didnt swab a lesion because gyno said she didn’t see a thing but I was experiencing nerve pain and slight discomfort so asked her to do general inside vaginanswab

    the only thing that looks like an outbreak is that I had redness in the area in a form of a circle, not at all elevated.

    not sure if this changes the way the virus presents itself but I have GHSV1 and the redness has been there for a few weeks but I just started taking antivirals since this is quite a long outbreak and though the nerve pain is bearable it’s annoying and the itchiness has sucked too

    Just curious, how many weeks did you have your first blood test done that was negative, that was negative, and do you know your values? I hit 7.5 weeks post exposure last week, did blood work, and it’s maintained the same value, 0.06. Both my doctor and my obgyn said that even if it was still negative, if I did have hsv2, the values would of at least started to go up by now, even if just slightly. So I’m curious about others, when they got tested, and what their values were. I was tested at 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 7.5 weeks, and I’ll go back at 12. Still stressed, even though both my doctor and obgyn are saying at this point to not worry. do you remember your values when you got tested at the 8 week mark? 

  15. On 10/3/2018 at 11:15 PM, Ohhey143 said:

    Usually if you have it you test positive within a few months. Some people get tested using western blot which idk much about . If you search it on this site you can learn more about it through other discussions. I was negative with blood test but positive culture (tested a lesion) then about three months after tested positive in blood test. I had all the flu like symptoms during my outbreak. It was a nightmare. I would continue to be your own advocate and look into maybe getting tested again in a few more months.

    best of luck!

    Just curious, how many weeks did you have your first blood test done that was negative, that was negative, and do you know your values? I hit 7.5 weeks post exposure last week, did blood work, and it’s maintained the same value, 0.06. Both my doctor and my obgyn said that even if it was still negative, if I did have hsv2, the values would of at least started to go up by now, even if just slightly. So I’m curious about others, when they got tested, and what their values were. I was tested at 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 7.5 weeks, and I’ll go back at 12. Still stressed, even though both my doctor and obgyn are saying at this point to not worry. 

  16. Update: they’re going up, a little, but most likely because I’ve been SUPER stressed ever since my possible hsv2 exposure two months ago. As far as being told last year I was hsv1 negative, and wondering how that happened, they updated my patient portal wrong. I did have it, so it makes me feel better it’s not a new exposure, and the same exposure I’ve had since I was 19, which I’ve thankfully only had two outbreaks on my lip from, neither of which I realized were even outbreaks until I thought about it, looking back. 

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