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Posts posted by Grace78

  1. Hi! I’m just seeing your reply. Sorry for the delay. I have literally no relief. I’ve tried SADBE and that hasn’t worked. No antiviral works either..:I’ve been on them all. My only hope is Pretilvir but who knows when that will ever become available. I blame the Covid shot. I swear I wasn’t this bad until I took that vaccine. 

  2. I’m a 45 year old female with now constant outbreaks. I’m finally getting my hormones tested and likely going on replacement meds in hopes it will calm this crap down. It’s awful. I’ve had this for over 20 years and have never had outbreaks this bad. There is no end to it and it’s a miserable existence. 

  3. I have been working out very consistently and have also had OB’s one right after the other. I’m taking valtrex daily and it breaks right through. It’s miserable. Maybe there is a correlation between working out and outbreaks! Seems like the healthier we are the less we should break out. 

  4. 23 hours ago, Seeker1960 said:

    There is a Trial for Pretlivir for people with Antiviral resistant HSV. You might be able to sign up for that. The good news is that you are young enough to have hope that you will see an effective vaccinebor therapeutic come out in the next 5 to 7 years. Maybe earlier for Pretlivir. Hang in and try some natural options to boost your immune system. 

    Thank you. I will google Pretlivir trials unless you have a direct link to it? 

  5. On 11/18/2022 at 6:16 PM, Gemini 444 said:

    I have had herpes for 20 years, i didn't notice any breakouts for the first 10 years or so but now for 7 years i have been experiencing a constant outbreak cycle, every 10 days. My visable symptoms are almost unnoticeable but i know its happening because of the leg pain behind my knee and the tingling and insect like sting i get during the first few days every cycle. I can't date or have sex, im very alone and feelings of depression are getting worse and worse, i have been thinking about ending my life more and more, i really try to concentrate on other things in life but my interest level in everything i once enjoyed has gone. I have very few friends as i also suffer with APD (avoidance personality disorder) seeking help is almost impossible for me, 2 doctors i have opened up to couldn't help. I dont want to be dead but i see no future where i can be content living like this. If there is anything else i can try to stop my outbreaks im willing to try anything no matter how extreme, does anyone know of anything else i can try? Neither antivirals worked for me, i dont drink, i eat well and are in pretty good shape, im 42 now and running out of time. 

    I’m in the same boat. Used the be almost outbreak free now I’m in a constant cycle. It is extremely depressing. I can’t even have normal intimacy with my husband for fear I will infect him. I don’t understand why it’s gotten so bad. All the gyns I’ve seen just prescribe antivirals that don’t work. After reading a bit on here I’m going to look into ozone therapy and this lions mane stuff. No idea where to get it but at least it’s something else to try. Just want you to know I get it and it really does suck. 

  6. On 11/15/2022 at 1:24 PM, Tiredmommaj said:

    I would suggest ozone treatments. It’s helped me some, but I am finding I have to continue it as I took a break over summer and everything started back up again. Now after several treatments it’s starting to calm again. I go weekly..hoping one day it helps it just go away ❤️

    I will do some research on this. Thank you. Nothing helps. I’ve pumped up the vitamins and still constant outbreaks. This is not sustainable. I’m losing my mind, confidence, everything. I’m 45 and was tested by my doctor in October and am not in pre menopause. Sadly I think a vaccine is the only hope now and who the hell knows when that will actually happen. 

  7. Is it possible to become immune to antivirals? I was on acyclovir for a long time and always had symptoms and outbreaks. I just switched to Valtrax and am still having symptoms. I currently have an outbreak for almost a month now. I can’t get rid of it! I’ve had HSV for over 20 years. Symptoms and outbreaks  the past few years have been frequent and uncontrollable. All the gyn does is prescribe new meds. Nothing seems to be working. Anyone else have a similar path?

  8. Quote

    ash128083 keep us posted on what your docs say this week. I have considered going to an infectious disease specialist, but want one that has actually treated patients like me. My OB just skates over the topic so I don't feel like she's even an option to discuss this with. It frustrates me SO much at this is still such a 'taboo' disease. I was a virgin when I contracted it through oral sex. It infuriates me to this day, but I know there is no good dwelling on the past. I really believed for many, many years that I didn't actually have it because I never had outbreaks after the initial one. I seriously miss those days. I wouldn't care that I have it, if it would just stay hidden away like it used to. I started on the Red Algae per BeBraveBeBold's suggestion. Pricey is right...but I will try anything at this point. I don't know whether to keep up with the Acyclovir in addition, or stop it (since it's not working right now anyway). 

    Sadly I think our only hope is in a vaccine or CRISPR but who knows how long it will take to get those out to the public. Why on God's green earth does it have to be this difficult to find a cure? I mean could you guys even imagine what it would feel like to be rid of this forever? It's become a dream for me which is pretty pathetic. 

    Faith8 I have always avoided intimacy when I have prodrome. I hate it, but also live in total fear that I will pass it to my husband. He knows about it, but we never talk about it...I just can't. Probably TMI but I've gotten good at oral sex as an alternative. But since I can't seem to get a good stretch without symptoms, our love life has definitely suffered. It's sad that I can never really know what it's like to be completely just a lover with no side worries. I hate it so much. I wish you all lived in my town so we could gather and have coffee and support each other. Glad we at least have this. Ash128083 I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your baby. I lost my first also.  😞 She was stillborn at full term. I was taking Valtrax at the time and always will wonder if that had something to do with her death. Probably not, but it's guilt that I have carried for almost 10 years. I think with all you and your husband have been through, your relationship can handle this. I hope your therapist can help you navigate the conversation. 


  9. It frustrates me when I read so many posts that say ‘it gets better with time’. Mine is worse....so much worse. I will look into the red marine algae as I will try anything at this point. How do I go about finding someone that is trustworthy in Chinese medicine? And do they treat you the same as regular doctors ( skip over the topic or avoid it at all costs?) 

  10. Hey there! I hope you get some responses to your post because I’m in the same boat. I’ve had this for over 20 years and I have constant outbreaks despite being on Acyclovir 400 mg twice a day. It’s never been this chronic and I also thought it was supposed to get easier the longer you have it. It’s the opposite for me. I am also healthy with exercise and eating. I’m about to change meds but am doubtful that will do anything for me. It’s extremely discouraging. I liked my ‘old’ h life so much better. I can barely get a day where I don’t have symptoms. It sucks. Just wanted to say you aren’t alone. 

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  11. WingingIt, thanks for reaching out. I'm so sorry for the loss of your boyfriend. That has to be so hard. I would say my stress level is pretty high, but it's been high for a long time. I think I would be able to tolerate the tingling, but the headache that is currently coming with my symptoms is just viscous. I sometimes wonder if the Acyclovir is causing the headache. Part of me wonders if I should just quit taking it for awhile and see if that helps. I've never had headaches before though when taking them (and I've taken all of them), or maybe I always just assumed the headache is part of the prodrome symptoms. I'm just discouraged and was hoping someone on here could give me a quick fix! I follow the research on the vaccine and it doesn't look like it's gaining momentum like it was. This makes me so sad because I was hopeful it could help! 

  12. No menopause yet. I do still have one cup of coffee a day and occasionally eat nuts and yes I drink alcohol occasionally. But the thing is I have always done these things and never had a problem before. I don’t feel like I should have to cut all this stuff out especially if I’m on an antiviral. Sometimes I wonder if I have cancer or something and this is my body’s way of telling me!

  13. Hi all-

    I’m new here but have had HSV2 for over 20 years. The first 10-15 years I rarely had symptoms or outbreaks. This virus was extremely manageable for me.  Over the past year it has become unmanageable. I have been on every antivirial out there and none of them seem to be working. I have symptoms ALL the time and the headaches that come with it are becoming unbearable. I have to believe this is what migraines are like. My symptoms used to be worse with my period, so after my last child was born I went on the pill taking it straight through to avoid a period all together. This certainly hasn’t helped as not a week goes by that I’m not feeling symptoms. Any thoughts, ideas, advice would be much appreciated. I eat well, exercise, and have tried Lysine and other supplements. It’s like my virus has been come resistant to everything. I thought the longer you have it, the less of an issue  it is. This has been the opposite for me. I miss my old life where I never thought about it! It’s seriously taking a toll on my emotional health. Thanks in advance for your thoughts. 

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