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Grace78 last won the day on April 7 2023

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  1. Hi! I’m just seeing your reply. Sorry for the delay. I have literally no relief. I’ve tried SADBE and that hasn’t worked. No antiviral works either..:I’ve been on them all. My only hope is Pretilvir but who knows when that will ever become available. I blame the Covid shot. I swear I wasn’t this bad until I took that vaccine.
  2. @StPeteMo does the mens version smell as bad as the womens version? I can’t even use it because it stinks so bad.
  3. I’m a 45 year old female with now constant outbreaks. I’m finally getting my hormones tested and likely going on replacement meds in hopes it will calm this crap down. It’s awful. I’ve had this for over 20 years and have never had outbreaks this bad. There is no end to it and it’s a miserable existence.
  4. I have been working out very consistently and have also had OB’s one right after the other. I’m taking valtrex daily and it breaks right through. It’s miserable. Maybe there is a correlation between working out and outbreaks! Seems like the healthier we are the less we should break out.
  5. @Seeker1960holy cow that stuff is expensive! Let me know how you do.
  6. @Seeker1960where did you get the ginsing extract? Is it a powder? Let me know if you see a difference. You may be right about my hormones. My gyn tested me but said I wasn’t pre menopausal yet. But I seriously think that could be the issue. I may look into further testing. I appreciate the prayers and your support here. It’s easy to feel alone in all this.
  7. @Seeker1960 I’m willing to try anything. I’m taking 1000 mg valcyclovir a day and still have constant prodrone and outbreaks. It never goes away and Im losing hope. Im taking all the supplements mentioned above also. HSV is manageable when it’s a few ob’s a year. A never ending outbreak is not a way to live. 😢
  8. Sadly there are no trials near me and I’m not immunocompromised which is a requirement. I’m miss the old days when it felt like I didn’t have this horrid infection. The chains are on..brutal.
  9. Thank you. I will google Pretlivir trials unless you have a direct link to it?
  10. I’m in the same boat. Used the be almost outbreak free now I’m in a constant cycle. It is extremely depressing. I can’t even have normal intimacy with my husband for fear I will infect him. I don’t understand why it’s gotten so bad. All the gyns I’ve seen just prescribe antivirals that don’t work. After reading a bit on here I’m going to look into ozone therapy and this lions mane stuff. No idea where to get it but at least it’s something else to try. Just want you to know I get it and it really does suck.
  11. I will do some research on this. Thank you. Nothing helps. I’ve pumped up the vitamins and still constant outbreaks. This is not sustainable. I’m losing my mind, confidence, everything. I’m 45 and was tested by my doctor in October and am not in pre menopause. Sadly I think a vaccine is the only hope now and who the hell knows when that will actually happen.
  12. Is it possible to become immune to antivirals? I was on acyclovir for a long time and always had symptoms and outbreaks. I just switched to Valtrax and am still having symptoms. I currently have an outbreak for almost a month now. I can’t get rid of it! I’ve had HSV for over 20 years. Symptoms and outbreaks the past few years have been frequent and uncontrollable. All the gyn does is prescribe new meds. Nothing seems to be working. Anyone else have a similar path?
  13. This makes me tear up. So much hope to get rid of this horrid virus. How do we get more info on clinical trials?
  14. If you still check this site, I’m in the KC area.
  15. Any women on here live in KC? I'm in search of a GYN that will actually talk to me about my issues instead of dodging them. I'm SO tired of being alone in this struggle. I need a doctor that will actually listen and brainstorm options instead of just ignoring them.
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