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Posts posted by Bootsychootsy

  1. 20 hours ago, Phillymale said:

    Okay I see. Well isn't the fact that I have sores kind of a giveaway that I have HSV? 

    A doctor would be able to tell, but you might not. Often herpes sores aren't the horror show that we see on google images, so people write them off as something else. But also the sores could be either HSV1 or HSV2. So it's important to get them tested.

  2. I take one 500mg Valacyclovir (generic Valtrex) per day and it has worked wonders. No outbreaks in a couple years. I stopped during the various lockdowns (because I wasn't sleeping around) to see how long it would take to get an outbreak. I got one after about a month, fairly mild. I went back on the meds and nothing since. My outbreaks were never horrible, but I just don't want to have them, so I take the meds daily. I I think I could not do it daily and take it just enough to not have outbreaks, maybe once or twice a week. That would take some figuring out. I am sleeping with people again now though, so I take it daily to help suppress it. I have heard it can affect your kidneys, but also heard it doesn't. I got a kidney test done and it came back normal. No other side effects to report, and I'm never stressed about an outbreak popping up. Maybe it's an issue for people with kidney issues. Something to discuss with your doctor.

    • Like 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, Flowerteacher55 said:

    Hi Again, 

    That's actually a common question many people have, and yes, it's hypothetically possible depending on place and circumstance!

    I believe it is characterized as "reckless" or known "endangerment" of the other person. I believe this crime is defined more in depth in each US state's criminal code. Many states have specific laws that are specific to HIV and AIDS only. However, other states also have them for STIs. For example, the state of New Mexico does not have laws specific to AIDS, but instead groups together all STIs and places knowingly passes an incurable STI unto another as a form of battery, if the person intended to give the person the STI. Obviously, I really hope no one WANTS to pass on their HSV to another. Anyways, if found guilty, punishment(s) that vary by states would occur.



    So how would this be proven? If someone slept with me and then slept with someone else who has herpes, how would they determine which of us infected that person? Unless that person was getting tested on a regular basis for all STD's, how would they determine that person didn't already have herpes? I understand in the case of HIV or AIDS which is a deadly virus and less people have it than herpes and it can be better traced, but in the case of herpes that can lay dormant in your system for years and then pop up, it would be impossible to prove anything. And secondly, if I went to a doctor who said it wasn't necessary to disclose are they now going to prison? It's ridiculous.

  4. 57 minutes ago, Neverwouldathought said:

    No. You are just wrong. It’s absolutely twisted to not disclose. Actually, it’s illegal. 

    you and I both have an std that will be with us for the rest of our lives. No matter how many precautions you take, there is still a chance you could pass it to an innocent person that deserves the choice in the matter, even if it means hurting your ego temporarily. 

    at what cost? So you can have an orgasm? 

    it’s not right no matter what you tell yourself to convince yourself that it is. 

    I’ll take being called judgmental vs what you are. 

    Please point me to the law that states people with an STI must disclose. How would this law even be policed?

  5. If someone wants to sleep with me not knowing I have herpes, by not telling them, I am not taking away their free will. Whether they know or not, I still have it. Telling them I have herpes does not increase or decrease their chance of contracting it. All it does is create fear and ignorance and stigma of what herpes is. I do not believe it is dishonest to not tell them. If they ask and you lie and say you don't have it, then yes I agree that is dishonest, but not bringing it up is not the same as that.

    I repeat, if you are on top of it, you take meds, you know what version you have, you use protection, you don't do anything during an outbreak, the odds of them getting it from you is likely less than them getting it from anyone else they would sleep with instead. Considering how common it is, they're more likely to get it from someone who's not on top of it and not educated on the subject.

    I also disagree about it being helpful to our mental health and well-being to disclose. The constant rejection and demonization and stigma of people with herpes is more damaging to our mental health and well-being. Considering how many people on earth have it at this point, yet will reject solely based on fear and ignorance is not helpful to anyone. We are seen as outcasts. As lepers. As damaged goods.

    I stand by my position of not disclosing unless asked in a casual situation. I'm taking care of my herpes. I'm educated on it, etc. The risks of me getting something from that ignorant person are way greater than them getting anything from me.

    • Like 1
  6. I no longer believe in disclosing my Herpes status to future casual partners, and here’s why:


    I am aware I have Herpes and which version. HSV2. 

    I am aware what my outbreaks look like and I wouldn’t have sex during an outbreak. 

    I use medication to suppress the virus on a daily basis and/or when I have an outbreak.

    I always use condoms.


    If I follow the above, the odds of spreading the virus are less than someone who has Herpes and doesn’t know, has Herpes and doesn’t follow the above or has it and doesn’t care. If I follow the above the only thing I should worry about, is contracting something from my partner. Not the other way around.

    If someone is willing to have sex with me before I tell them I have Herpes, but then rejects me when I tell them I have it, nothing has changed. They are basing their decision strictly on fear and ignorance of Herpes. I didn’t suddenly contract Herpes between not disclosing and disclosing. The odds of me spreading Herpes to them before they knew I had it, and after, is exactly the same. They will reject me and proceed to have sex with someone who doesn't know they have it, don't care or don't disclose. So if I am following the guideline above, why do they need to know? 

    If I was planning to have a long term relationship with someone, keeping this information from them could bring up issues in the future. I might have to hide my medication. I would have to come up with excuses why I couldn’t have sex during an outbreak, etc. This could cause problems. I believe in a serious relationship honesty and openness about everything is key; however, if I am planning on a casual relationship or a one off, I don’t see any reason to disclose anymore.

    Let me know your thoughts.

    • Like 2
  7. If you disclose to someone you mutually want to sleep with, but when you do they reject you. Here's something you can say that might make them think.

    "Before I told you I have herpes, would you have slept with me?"


    "So if the odds of you getting herpes from me are exactly the same before you knew I have herpes, and now that you know, what's the difference?

    I think this could be a good conversation starter, because literally nothing has changed. I think this is something to think about also in terms of not disclosing as well, because assuming you use protection, don't have sex during an outbreak and/or use suppressive meds, what's the difference between them knowing you have it and them not knowing? Nothing. The only difference is they now have fear based on ignorance.


    • Like 1
  8. The people I have disclosed to, who say they won't date me because that shit is forever and have done no research and assume they will never get it...I really hope they get it.

    I turned down a girl online when she disclosed to me, and while I wasn't rude about it (I asked questions), I still refused to meet her. I assumed I would never get it from someone who didn't knowingly have it, and now I have it. I have no idea where I got it, and I wish I could apologize to her.

    • Like 2
  9. That's great news! Congrats.

    How did you go 7 dates without sexual advances though? 

    As a guy I worry about waiting that long because the girl would think I'm not into her if I'm not trying to get her into bed, but also when I tell her after that long, she might feel trapped to have to accept it and led on. 


    • Like 2
  10. I have HSV2 and take 1 Valacyclovir everyday 500MG.. It prevents the spread and I haven't had an outbreak in a couple years. because of it. You could consider this instead of all the other things you're doing. It might not work the same for everyone, but it's been fantastic for me.

    Sorry he ended it. What did you know about the medication he's taking and his condition? He has an immuno issue but is engaging in behaviour like drinking that affects it negatively? Do I have that right? Do you want to be with a person like that?

    • Like 1
  11. What has been your most successful disclosure technique when online dating?

    Do you post it in your profile?

    Do you bring it up right when you match?

    Do you see if there's a connection first through chatting and then bring it up?

    Do you bring it up on the first date?

    Do you bring it up only when you think it's leading to sex?

    Do you bring it up in a funny way?

    Do you bring it up in an informational way?

    What has worked best for you?

  12. I have been taking the valtrex generic when outbreaks happen. My outbreaks have happened every couple months since diagnosis, but are quite mild so I decided to only take meds when they occur and also because I heard they can cause hairloss if taken all the time. I don’t know how well it’s working or not working as I’m new to this. Valtrex is very expensive so I’ve been taking the generic. My question is how effective is valtrex vs generic when taking it once an outbreak starts? Does taking it at the start of an outbreak really affect the severity or duration or is it too late at that point? and does taking it all the time cause hairloss? Thank you.

  13. Hi,

    Recently diagnosed HSV2. Wondering what you do to help prevent outbreaks. My symptoms are too mild to take Valtrex everyday and I heard it causes hairloss, so only want to use it when necessary. What other things do you do that have worked to help prevent outbreaks? Thanks!

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