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Posts posted by Bootsychootsy

  1. Not certain about culture. I believe with swabs though if it’s not done within 48hrs of the blister/legion appearing it can lead to false positive results. My swab came back hsv2 isolated, but I did a bloodtest to be absolutely 100% sure. No results yet.

  2. Once you tell people and educate them, if they are decent people they are accepting. Whether they want to date you or continue dating you is up to them. The more educated you can be on the subject the better so you can educate them. It sounds like he’s just ignorant on the subject. Just like racism, fear comes from ignorance. It sounds like he’s not the right guy for you anyway. I’m sure he knows people who get coldsores. Guess what buddy they have herpes. I have had minor genital symptoms and similarly may have had it for years and had no idea. I recently showed two people I’ve been with a photo of my symptoms after being diagnosed with hsv2 and they were like...that’s it? Seriously? 

    Everyone has this idea that herpes is this horrifying infection that takes over your genitals (and in some cases it might be) and no one wants that to happen to them. The word ‘herpes’ itself is gross, the term ‘diagnosed’ is scary. Google herpes and it’s a horror show, when the reality is much different. Just tell the guy. His reaction will tell you if he’s the right guy for you.

  3. My understanding is it’s much easier for someone to give you hsv1 from their mouth to your genitals than it is for you to give hsv2 from your genitals to their mouth. If you are a lesbian you could use a dental dam as other people have mentioned. If you’re not, most guys have no idea what they’re doing down there, so you’re probably not missing much.

    • Haha 2
  4. When people get it, they seem to be most upset and concerned about rejection/judgement from future partners. I’m damaged goods and no one will ever love me again. It sounds like you have proven with your new husband that this isn’t something people should worry about. Your husband obviously loves you and doesn’t care about it. You shouldn’t either. That fact should be your a-ha moment. You’re still worried about rejection when no one is rejecting you. You’ve been accepted. How bad/often are your outbreaks apart from the psychomatic one? Did you have any of these feelings about yourself before you had hsv?

  5. I found some very small blisters on my dick in September. I hadn’t had sex in over a month. They appeared out of nowhere, no tingling, no itching, no sickness. The day after they appeared, they were gone and became cuts. They didn’t itch, there was no pain. I got them swabbed and it came back HSV-2 isolated. I didn’t take any medication and they healed in about a week. Last week (a month later) a couple very small blisters showed up. I’ve attached a photo. Once again, they appeared out of nowhere, no symptoms other than the blisters. I only found them because I’ve been checking myself more. I got Valtrex after my last “outbreak” so I took that. They healed again in about a week. Not sure if the Valtrex really did anything. They may have healed just as quickly without it. After my originl swab I took an IGG blood test to double confirm the hsv2, but haven’t received results yet. In the past I have had cuts appear on my dick and they go away. I always assumed it was friction from masturbating. I never noticed blisters before September. All I’ve heard about herpes are painful sores, leg pain, sickness, not being able to walk. Are my symptoms (basically nothing) common? Thanks.


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