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Posts posted by Riseandfall

  1. I've read a lot of helpful things telling me that hsv1 and 2 are pretty common. I have ghsv1 and would love to know how common that is as it seems there's a lack of info there? Ive also seen things online on reddit etc.. there was a comment from a lady who worked in a clinic who wanted to reiterate that genital herpes is not common..its just oral that is. She said young people keep coming in and talking about high rates of prevalence and that it's not the case? I've also seen people say before that it can't be that common as they've never hardly met anyone else with it and in years of dating never met anyone else who's got it or disclosed it. I want to know info but I also don't want to kid myself or be under false illusions ? Please help!

  2. Have got myself very low this week. Posted a few questions on here and replies haven't been particularly positive. I'd love to hear some positive stories about people who have overcome this in some way, forget about it, met someone amazing, stories of sex lives going back to normal and not being something to fear anymore...people who see this as a non issue and forget about it!! I just really need to see some uplifting, positive stories to give me some hope and give me back my spark!!


    I've told 3 friends about my ghsv1 diagnosis from last year. All have been amazingly supportive. I also met someone who wants me to forget about it and loves me regardless. I just can't shake the feeling of being unworthy of it all and I'd love to be reminded that I can and will move on from this...


    I'm feeling more lost than ever so, please help! xx 

  3. Ive read some scare stories online and I've frightened myself silly!! Need some help desperately!

    -do lots of people just forget about this diagnosis and get on with a normal life?

    -can ladies with hsv genitally (age got hsv1) still give birth one day? Ive come across some horror stories online and It's made me really anxious and worried. Would you reccomend keeping off the internet? Do you find you look online and on the forums less over time?

    -myself and my partner plan to be intimate for the first time soon. He's been very accepting but I'm very nervous and want to protect hin as best as possible. We plan to use protection and I'm on anti virals but he doesnt want to use a dental dam. Is this safe? I know there is some risk. I feel worried about hurting him and causing him and suffering. 

    Thanks in hope for any helpful responses




  4. Is it true that swabs can sometimes be inaccurate if taken after first 48 hrs of sores developing? Is it worth me getting a blood test to be certain?

    Is it true that hsv1 is only minimally contagious outside of a visible outbreak? With protection and anti virals what are the stats lowered to?

    Also..what's the situation with oral sex and touch (intimate) etc between a ghsv1 female and possibly neg male? Can that still be done? What precautions need to be taken?

    Any help appreciated!

  5. Hi all

    Hope you're okay. I was diagnosed back in July after being pushed/taken advantage of after telling someone I'd been dating for a month that I wasn't ready to have sex. I got symptoms down below within a week. We argued so barely spoke after my diagnosis (as I'd been angry at him after the night we spent together and hoped never to see or think of him again)

    I want to know:

    -whether there is any chance that my genital hsv1 may not be from this encounter. I'm finding the depression and stigma surrounding the virus impossible enough to deal with, without feeling that it was from someone who argued with me and forced himself on me. I have a history of yeast infections and once was in inexplicable discomfort believing I had recurrent yeast infections and piles. Does any of this sound plausible? Is it ever possible to have mild initial symptoms and a more severe outbreak down the line? Or..is it possible for a severe outbreak to come out the blue?

    It feels like im constantly reminded of how trusting and naive I was to date again and let a man in my life. It feels like a trauma. 

    Also.. How long did it take you to heal mentally from this? I was better at the beginning but I've got worse. I think about it everyday and read about it every night. I think its safe to say I'm suffering incredible depression (never have before despite my MS) and seriously need help, support and guidance. I'm increasingly  feeling like this is too much of a burden to cope with. 


    Any help you can offer me at this dark time would be truly helpful and appreciated. 



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