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Everything posted by beautifullychaotic

  1. Hi everyone, my name is Kayla from New York. I'm 19 yrs old and a college student. I just found out this past Monday that I have genital herpes. I do have a bf who I have been with for 4 years now. He has always gotten a cold sore on his mouth ever since I can remember and unfortunately I now have it on my genitals. He knows, he was there with me at my gynocologist appointment. He says this changes nothing between us, he still wants to have kids and look for an apartment. I am thankful for this. I know that having this doesn't stop me from having kids. However, there are SO many questions I have. To start off, I know that there are two types of herpes viruses, type 1 and type 2. I know that type 1 is typically oral herpes and type 2 is genital. Now my bf has type 1, only getting one cold sore on his mouth every so often. So it makes sense to me that he could've only given me type 1 instead of type 2, but I have genital herpes. My question is is it possible to have genital herpes with HSV type 1? I'm just confused on that matter. Another question I have is about my medication. I am taking Famvir currently 3 times a day and I have to take it for 7 days. I've been having my first herpes outbreak for 12 days now and started my medication Monday. My question is if I can start taking this medication daily instead of taking it when I have an outbreak only, and if I do, will my body become immune to it and stop working? Also, I've noticed a few bumps on my throat that I think might also be herpes. In the meantime of my dr appt to have this checked, will my medication used for my genital herpes work for oral herpes as well if that is what it is? My next and last series of questions deals with my outbreaks. I was told that I should keep the area dry in order for it to heal. However, I am now on my period and what I am worried about is if my medication will stop working for my outbreak because of this? Also when I go to the bathroom my urine burns my outbreak and I feel like they will never heal, and I worry I'm just going to have a constant outbreak. Can someone tell me how I can best take care of this? Wiping is painful I can only pat the area dry as best as I can. I just need help. Also I have swelling of my lymph nodes in my groin area, I was told this is pretty normal for people with herpes but that it eventually goes away. I'm not sure if it happens to any of you guys but if so, what can I do to ease the pain a little? Both for the swelling ad the outbreak itself? Please I need as much info and support as possible. I'm lost and confused and scared and I'm not sure what to do. But I think hearing from people who have experience and can help me out through this will br beneficial and help ease my mind and realize my life isn't over because of this. I value what anyone has to say and am looking forward to responses!
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