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Posts posted by NexisLexis

  1. welcome to the group.

    when I first found out the first thing I did was google celebritys who have HSV2. and boy I was shocked especially of a certain major league basball player who infected like 6 leading ladies in Hollywood. it made me feel better because ( H ) it doesn't discriminate its a equal opportunist. and if they can deal with it so can I. and it was one step forward in ending the stigma of having HSV2. hugs to you! glad you are here.

  2. Thank You. Hard as it may be we women must dig deep within ourselves to find our strength and when we do we can walk with our heads high and our backs straight without shame or condemnation. keep in touch and have a wonderful thanksgiving.


  3. Big Hugs


    I'm 41 and I have been going through the that same thought pattern myself but reading here and learning everything I can on this has taken the fear and stigma away. though I think I'm getting paranoid about the next O.B.


    You are with safe and good people who have walked ahead of us to guide and mentor us as we grapple with this skin disorder.


    here is me in a outline form. none of it define who I am but it has shaped me to be who I am now. though horrible, I can see how the gold thread has weaved itself in and out of my life to make me a better person for my family, friends and those who I come in contact with.


    I have been molested, raped, and sodomized, lost virginity at 14, married at 18, had two daughters who saved my life, I have been beaten and strangled was married for 19.75years, divorced which I represented myself in court. now I'm in a nasty custody battle with my ex who is using my daughters as pawns. and then I get herpes.....I have been to counselors to work out the past so it doesn't destroy my future and talking with a counselor has help me regain what was stolen from me. In fact these things that I went through has made me fearless and bold and to become more assertive and I also found myself who I really am.


    the greatest thing that has happened this year is that I got married to man who loves me and my daughters. and he also has herpes to.


    because I have gone through all of this I have great empathy, and love for my fellow man I have learned not to take life with a tight fist but to loosen my grip on life to enjoy it for what it is and to see the beauty around me so I can be a blessing to others. it may not all make sense now but it will someday. and your going to rise above all others because you have the skills and tools to do so. You are a strong and brilliant young women. and if you think NJ is small try living in Iowa. ; )


    just wanted to reach out to you and to encourage also. I truly hope this helps.


    hugs from the midwest.

  4. tnd,

    Great News. tried to get my rx of lideocain filled and was horrifed about the cost. $55 next paycheck I guess. I'm taking 3000mgs of Lysine also to help with healing. looking into vitamins to help build up my immune system.

    Did get my VICADEN filled though! we have copied down your suggestions. I have also changed our diet also switched to gluten free. somehow gluten seem to aggravate the virus somehow, we are testing out this theory. Also got on some anti anxiety meds to help with stress. I have learn that unmanaged stress can bring on an outbreak.

    I do have to say having this has definatly made me think about living healthier for myself and my family. what a wake up call.

  5. Thank you Daisy,

    This made me cry, What a wonderful reaction from that guy. I completely agree with everyone here what awesome sound advice.

    it is such a relief to have that off ones back.

    When I found out that I had HSV2 I didn't know about this place or how to tell my husband. I just bawled my eyes out and handed him the E.R discharge papers I was so scared. he wrapped me up in his arms and said we can overcome this and recited his vows to me in sickness and in health till death do us part.

    and followed up with I love you. We both have it. reading all these post have been very healing for me. it has given me hope and the stigma is just about over in my mind.

    Wishing you the best please do keep us posted Daisy.


  6. tNd oooo good idea on hemoroid cream never thought of that. my 1st.out break came out when I found this group on nov. 2nd.

    I tried hydrocortisone with no luck. monostat vulvar cream seems to help micronazol nitrate

    get some generic monostat. sry spelling. if you get the lideocain use it sparingly apply affected areas with a cotton swab. and treat it like gold. its about $25.00 for a 2oz. tube a little goes a long way. wished the E.R doctor told me that. learn from my mistake. also if outbreak happens go to dr. and ask for vicoden for pain management. DO NOT GO TO E.R I have to wait 2hrs. before I got the blessed meds bawling my eyes out due to pain.

    p.s and have a happy thanksgiving

  7. go to your doctor and ask for a RX of Lidocaine 5% ointment. it numbs the itching. also your dr. can diagnose you better with an exam. if you have a yeast infection they can prescribe difican the one pill.

    I hope this helps. this is what worked for me.

  8. I feel the same way. like I can't tell my parents that I and my husband have herpes. I almost came out but knowing my mom who is sixty something wouldn't understand. when I tried to tell her she jumped to conclusions and asked if I was having a nervose breakdown. never did tell her. and with that generation gap I really don't know if she could handle it. I'm 41. and she is still pretty much old school trying to play detective and what if you did this. all the non supportive questions I even asked a friend who has HPV if this was some divine retribution and she said no...its something that just happens. it is what it is.


    Adrial, you are truly awesome When I read your posts I feel a little bit stronger. thank you for your compassion and wisdom. Miss Kelly just wanted to let you know your not alone. Pm me anytime would love to talk to you.

  9. looking for a married couple who are both HSV2 positive or a couple who are in a long term committed relationship.. I feel like I'm the oldest one here being 41 and my husband who is 42.

    I just had my first out break a week ago and so I am a newbie here. I think my husband had it at least 6months prior but none of the devastating effects like we women get. we were both ignorant of what we had. talking to someone who is married and is going through the same thing as I am will be much easier with topics such as:

    married with herpes and how it effects spouses

    safe sex being married?

    meeting each others needs intimately.


    thank you for your time for reading this. looking forward to learning new things thanks


  10. hi I was just diagnosed last week with Hsv2. and today which is one week later I'm feeling back to normal. I have learned a lot from this group, just haven't posted anything. thank you for all your information. the Lidoecain at 5% ointment was a Godsend and so was the Vicoden for pain. the E.R. doctor and my family doctor said not to use the Benzocain stuff because it wasn't ment for treating ulcers of herpes. just wanted to warn everyone to not waste there money thinking its the same produce.

    I have also learned about going Gluten-Free diet in addition to the Lysine vitames.

    which has seemed to help greatly.

    I do have to say the pain was beyond belief, I missed a week of work and I'm terrified of the next outbreak.

    I do have a question...... my husband has it also. he had the blisters for like 7+ months they never erupted or caused pain to him like mine did. he had them all over his groin area and around his Mons Pubis none on his penis. they finally went away by the time I had my first outbreak. or even closer when we got married a month ago. is this normal for guys with herpes? could someone answer? thank you for your reply.


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