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  1. totally awesome to be open and honest on a thread with people with the same problems.....ty
  2. i will tell her she owes you peeps drinks for sure....lol...i love the oral sex threads....lol...just glad i can be myself.....
  3. well then i guess i am back in the car so to speak and ready for some oral fun this weekend.....thank you so much for shedding light on it adrial and wcsdancer.....love ya both...
  4. oh ok.....maybe i will have to forget about oral...i really love doing oral but trying to take precautions also......ty so much for info...
  5. so my girlfriend has genital herpes below and i don't have any herpes....i can still do oral on her with out catching them???
  6. oh ty so much cause i love doing oral....
  7. not sure if its 1 or 2....but she takes 2 pills a day for it....and it sounds like i'm in pretty good shape for fun then.....thank you so much.......so what about oral?? can i do that on her safetly???
  8. i do not have herpes but my new female partner has viginal herpes...what and how can we have sex fun etc?? can i do oral on her/me?? can we kiss?? can we have normal sex with or without condoms to keep me safe??
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