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Everything posted by thiscantbelife

  1. I was diagnosed in October by my PCP by a blood test. I did not have any symptoms, I just decided to go because I had sex with a new partner. My test came back positive for HSV2. I was given medication that I took for only a week because it made me feel horrible! Anyway...I went to my gynecologist (for my annual check up) and told him that I was diagnosed with HSV2. I also told him that I thought that I might be having an outbreak. He completed my exam and gave me general herpes information (that I already knew) but proceeded to tell me that he "thinks that I am fine". He said I was not having an outbreak. He also asked me: - if any of my previous partners have informed me they had an outbreak after intercourse with me (Answer: No) - if I had any painful sores that burst (Answer: No) - any other symptoms (Answer: No) He then tells me that the blood test that I was given detects herpes antibodies, which means that I was exposed to the virus, but not that I necessarily have herpes. He also told me that if I have herpes antibodies that I can't get the virus. He told me to practice safe sex, but there is no need for me to take medication (I was considering trying again). I was totally confused, but somewhat hopeful that maybe I don't really have herpes. It does not make any sense to me and is very frustrating...I have not had any symptoms and if I did not decide to randomly get tested I would not know today. I am thinking about calling for a follow up with him for clarification or with another doctor because this totally contradicts what I have learned over the past 2 months (I just realized it has been 2 months today that I was diagnosed) Please HELP!!!
  2. I did not see anything in my inbox :( Did everyone receive the email?
  3. WCSDancer2010, You are a wise woman!!! I would have NEVER thought about it that way! I guess your last comment is an accurate statement, "Without herpes, the lesson might not have been as obvious". The herpes has made me reevaluate a lot of things I do in my life (some faster than others). This is again another testament to why I am so thankful to this forum!!
  4. I totally agree WCSDancer2010!! However, even if I would not have gotten herpes, I know I made a poor choice. I guess the choice would have been easier to live with without herpes...
  5. WCSDancer2010, I know I sound like a nut case...I promise I am not...LOL! Thanks for your reply...it helps a lot!!
  6. Hello Everyone, I have been diagnosed for a little over a month with HSV2, and I have tried my best to be as educated as possible about my situation. However, I am not clear on a few things and I would like your help.... Baths - after I take a bath I was it several times with bleach then with other cleaners to make sure it is "safe" for others to use. Do I have to worry about someone catching herpes from me by bathing in a cleaned bath tub? I also use a separate bar of soap from everyone else in the house...is this unnecessary? Speaking of baths - is it ok or not to take baths in Epson salt? Towels - I am concerned with people touching my towel after I use it, and I am also concerned that I am able to was my germs out of towels after I use them. Is there any way that someone can get herpes from touching my used towel? Skin contact - I have yet to notice any visual signs of an outbreak, but I am nervous for anyone to touch my legs. I walk around the house and sleep in pants. I actually have shorts on now and I plan on whipping the chair I am in off with Clorox wipes to ensure I cant pass on anything. Is this something I have to worry about? Toilet Use - after sitting on the toilet I wipe it of with some type of disinfectant. Am I taking this too far? I hope I don't sound too ignorant, but I want to make sure the people in my household especially my children are not affected by my poor choice.
  7. I was diagnosed almost a month ago, and I am doing a little better with accepting that I have herpes...what other choice do I have...LOL!! However, I still have my moments where I wish I could travel back in time to when I didn't have herpes and make a few different choices. However, I can't...so life moves on! Today as I am preparing for work I started to think about people I know that engage in risky behaviors and how it's not fair that I have herpes. I have an old college friend that is in an open relationship that has sex with many different partners...I don't know if they have herpes...but I know I do! I know people that have had several affairs...I don't know if they have herpes...but I know I do! I know people that have had many one night stands...I don't know if they have herpes...but I know I do! I can go on and on!! I am just having a moment. I hope that I have gotten that off my chest I can move on! Some days are much better than others...I am REALLY trying to do better, but I have my moments!!! I guess I am still dealing with the fact that "this was not supposed to happen to ME!!!" :(
  8. Thanks ladies for the replies with your words of encouragement and information to help me go from here. This forum has helped me tremendously (since I have not shared this information with anyone yet). I am doing ALOT better than I did when I first found out (it will be a month next week). I just take things one day at a time...
  9. I have been reading and I THINK I know the answers to these questions...but I want to be sure. I have included my answers in parenthesis. - I have HSV2 can I pass it to someone through oral sex (me as the giver)? (My answer: No) - Can I pass it through receiving oral sex? (My answer: Yes) - Can it be passed if someone drinks after me? (My answer: No) - Is wine a trigger? (My answer: I sure hope not...I need it NOW more than ever!!) - Can someone get herpes even if they use a condom? (My answer: Yes)
  10. This sounds horrible...but how do I know if I am having an outbreak? After doing reading a research I know that I would have flu like symptoms. I have had them, but at the time I did not know I had HSV, so I guess that was an outbreak. Since finding out, I check my genital area (looking for something), I have yet to notice anything different (which I am thankful of!!!) However, I have been having back and leg pain, I am thinking this has something to do with (h). Can someone help me out with this? Also, I have been doing reading on natural ways to deal with this but I have some questions: - With using Lysine, should an antiviral still be used? - What are some foods that trigger outbreaks? - What are some overall suggestions?
  11. Well... other than my doctor and God no one knows that I am dealing with (h). I need to get my story out and ask some questions of people that are going through or have gone through what I am currently experiencing. I am going to try to make a long story short.....here it goes.... I was in a relationship that I should have ended a long time ago, but I did not want to hurt his feelings so I stayed. One night while out with friends I met a man that I was instantly attracted to, enjoyed his conversation/company, and felt a connections to. We spent the next 12 hours together which included sex. I insisted on using a condom, which we did, but it popped...he got a new one...and we continued. The next day he called and we went out for dinner and spent time together to the wee hours of the morning (this time no sex was involved). During that dinner I found out he was also in a relationship, but I decided to proceed with getting to know him. Since then we have been together sexually a few more times (with and without a condom), of course reassuring each other that we are "clean". After our most recent encounter I decided to go to my doctor to double check. Of course I received a call from the doctor (so I knew bad news was on the way) and was told that I have HSV2. After that there was a lot of tears, depression, self hate, denial, and fear. As far as I know I was "clean". My mind has been racing...does the other guy have (h)...if so, does he know? I don't think I got it from the person I was in a relationship with...or did I? The other issue is that I have had sex with the person that I was in a relationship with once between the first and most recent encounter with the new guy (who I THINK I got HSV2 from), so now I am worried that I have passed this along. I am beginning to "deal" with the fact that I have HSV, but I still find that it occupies many of my thoughts. I PRAY daily that I have not messed up anyone's life like I have done my own. I often look around when I am out and about and wonder if anyone else if dealing with this. If there are 3 other people in the room I know I am the 1 in 4 that has it :( Does anyone have any suggestions to help me to better deal with this? I can't imagine having the disclosure conversation, and I play that in my head too...what will I say??? I don't know what to do...I feel like I am paralyzed!! I feel like I will never be in a relationship again. I feel like I have so much to ask but I just don't know where to begin... Please help!!
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